Joe’s Blooze Band – Hastings Beach Concert – 2000.

jb 1 jb 2 jb 3

jb 4 jb 5

jb 6 jb 9 jb10

© Eddie Hazell Estate. 

Joe Rytlewski, Phil Gill, Nigel Milliechamp and  Jez Gillett.

Phil Gill…..Always wondered what happened to pictures people take at gigs and how they turn out. Good to see some memories.  I am apparently Huge in Japan…

Tony Court-holmes…..I was back stage with the late great norman race remember him in old town week please.

Phil Gill… That was the 2000 Beach Concert. I remember it because I did JBB at around 5pm and then played with Stevie Z at 7pm. Just in time to come off stage and discover that Samabalanco had made their way backstage and drunk all the hospitality beer whilst we’d been been playing the Stevie Z set. We were unimpressed…