Spyke and Performance – Falaise Hall Hastings 17th May 1975

Martin Richter…  I can feel my foot tapping

Pete Millington… Spyke at that time were -Ginger Millington, Terry Chedzoy and Ian Williams

Colin Fox… Yet another one for my collection. Cheers

Alan Esdaile… Looks like you missed this one Colin, as the later advert says Performance has split up.


Colin Fox… No wonder I couldn’t remember this gig.

Pete Millington… Same here Colin – I was thinking that I’d lost the plot. Spyke as a Trio would bave been blown away by a 6 piece, I would certainly have remembered the experience. Phew SPYKE survived!

Performance & Lysander – photo & single funny little things 1973



 Andre Palfrey-martin collection                  supplied by Colin Fox

Pete Shaw…. line up… Pete Shaw Ray Harper Roy Sanderson Tony Kenward Colin Fox

Andre Martin…..just found this photo with Roy breaking in to a smile

Terry Pack…..Is that Peter James Shaw behind Ray?

Colin Fox…..Sure is!

Pete Shaw……Roy Sanderson and I had part time work as bookends…! And who is wearing harmony hairspray! Jesuz, the dressing room fug!!

Phil Gill…..Nice bell-end on your sleeve there

Pete Shaw…..Trendy huh Phil…you must’ve reached 8 years old when I bought my trendy apparel….and “bell end” certainly fitted the bill!!

Jane Hartley….That’s how I remember Pete Shaw!

Alan Esdaile…… Confusingly another band called ‘Performance signed to Polydor in 2005.

Colin Fox…..Tony Rivers was producing the record and came out of the control room eating an apple and said, “I think we need another harmony on that line”. He proceeded to sing the harmony while still eating his apple.

Robert Searle Got my copy. Great picture Colin


is this photo Performance or Lysander?

Peter Millington… I thought this was Lysander – Performance seems to have passed me by. How long did they last and do you remember the dates of Performance and Lysander’s existance?

Jane Hartley… Performance were still going in 75 if I remember correctly!

Pete Shaw… If my memory serves me correctly, Polydor records identified “Lysander” as a previously used band identifier so “Performance” was deemed acceptable…studio time was great as the “A” side was band vocals but session musicians whereas the “B” side was truly us.”Why?” you may ask, but the studio was incredibly busy with Micky Most stuff and I even was given a “White” copy of a brand new Hollies Album at the time! Several well known disc jockeys floating around and even my then girlfriend Janet Tamplin (from Westerham) made a visit to the studio! Pop stars huh!!!  I even drank ginger beer!!!

Colin Fox… I would trust what Peter Shaw says, his memory is better than mine. The photo on the stairs, (which I thought was Lyzander), must have been very close to when we changed our name to Performance.

David Smith… Dont forget my lap steel with wah-wah on the ‘B’side Pete & the scream at the end when you stood on my hair! 😉

Robert Searle… Rejoice.


Who was the most disappointing band….

Sarah Harvey… This is for those of you who frequented The Pier during the 1970s….. what was the most disappointing bands / artists you saw. NO local artists allowed because ALL local artists were and still are brilliant . For me, it was the Sex Pistols, I thought they were dreadful!

Peter Fairless… I agree, Sarah, they were dire. The worst band I saw, though, were Eater, they supported The Stranglers in March ’77, they were even worse!

Alan Esdaile… I will have to think on this one. Mind you if the band were bad, we would end up in the bar getting wasted on cheap cider.

Peter Thomson… There was a Boxer/Crawler/Moon gig and none of them set the world on fire, but one lot spent their time on stage arguing almost to the point of fisticuffs. Not a musical memory to enjoy

Nigel Goodman… Gary glitter no glitter band taped backing suspected miming too

Jim Breeds… I can’t think of any disappointing bands/artists because beer.

Glenn Piper… I agree with Sarah also. There may have been worse bands, but the dichotomy between them and Budgie seemed to emphasise just how bad they were. (If that makes sense 😀)

Dave Weeks… I watched the thunder storm when they were on.

Linda Day… Paul and Barry Ryan

Chris Meachen… I thought Magma were piss poor as far as entertainment went.. They were quite clever musicians, but none of them appeared to be taking a blind bit of notice of what the others were playing…

Phil Gill… Chicken Shack. I spoke to Stan Webb afterwards, all bright eyed and bushy tailed, saying how much I liked his playing and he was a totally miserable.

Pete Prescott…The 2nd gig I ever did was supporting chicken shack at Kemsley town hall (near sittingbourne) yeah he wasn’t the most happy chap… mind you Kemsley would make most people lose the will to live !

Dennis Torrance… I think most of the time if band were bad it might have been down to how without the technology then. I liked curved air and remember quite a lot of feed back. I still look back on them pier days with a smile

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