Andy Caine – Jim Jim & The Jims rehearsal & Crypt gig 1979


photo by Pete Prescott

Peter James Shaw…Looks like a Jim Jims rehearsal….! My sparse rehearsal kit!

Terry Pack….Upstairs at Ray’s?

Pete Prescott….  I took this. Andy played on two songs of written. He played great. This was at Andy Qunta’ s house.

Martyn Baker… Monsieur A. Cunningham. Pretty much the best singer/guitarist I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

Janine Anne Scott… Happy Days xx. We used to strum along at Duncan Dray’s house xx



Bexhill Hop 1980’s photos Part 4 of 5

supplied by Pete Prescott

Stuart Moir… Practice afternoon at the Bexhill club .Dave (Beano) Easton, one of the best front men alongside Pete Prescott on the band circuit .

Chris Howard… Totally Agree Stuart forever in my thoughts

Dean Clarke… Used to go to them with my parents

Joe Knight… Nice photos Pete

Heather Sidery… Good to see. I miss rehearsals. Long covid has knocked me down, but hope hope to get another band together before I’m 80

The Talismen & Cliff Bennett – Big Beat Reunion 14th November 1987 video by Peter Millington

Peter Millington… features The Talismen, another group local to Hastings and who were very popular. They played a mixture of pop and rock in the 1960s and also reformed for his very special event.

Peter Millington…..The Big Beat Reunion party on Hastings Pier on 14th November 1987. features Cliff Bennett and Friends, Ray Fenwick, Pete Shaw, Pete Head and co-organiser of the event, Chris Sayer.

Alan Esdaile….WOW, we are spoilt today.

Stuart Moir….Ray Fenwick on Gibson Les paul lead guitar, and Pete Shaw on drums and of course Peter Head on bass. We were support band for Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers around that time playing at Chislehurst Caves.

Peter Millington….I think you’ll find that Ray was playing a Yamaha and not a Gibson Stu!

Pete Shaw…..I remember it well! We all met, on the pier late that afternoon and ran through some numbers that Cliff had outlined…a couple were really versions of Johnny Mars set pieces as Ray and I were still gigging with Johnny…Cliif B was great  and after the gig he asked if we could work with him at other gigs he had…Ray and I did some more for him but Pete H and Chris S could not! Great fun and hey, that kit wasn’t even mine but even with only a couple of cymbals it sounded period authentic although some of my staggered breaks were a bit modern! Ray’s guitar was one of two Yamaha specials he had picked up from Yamaha themselves?? His accomplished and searing sound accompanied me and my kit for years!! I’m very thankful for his friendship at that time…Chris Sayer and Pete Head all time Hastings musical heroes! Thanks Pete for posting this…I’ve never seen it before!!

Caz Simpson…. I can’t believe I missed the Big Beat Reunion on Hastings Pier in 1987! Cliff Bennet played, where was I??

Lysander – Aquarius 18th March 1972



photo supplied by Hastings groups from 1958 to present.

L-R Back Row = Roy Sanderson, Tony Kenward, Rev Stockdale, L-R Front Row = Colin Fox, Pete Shaw, Ray Harper.

Robert Searle….A really good group.great vocals, Good material. Had the pleasure of playing with Colin Fox,Rev Stockdale and Pete Shaw. Tony Kenward has announced his retirement from group activities.

Terry Pack….I had the pleasure of playing with four of these guys: Tony, Rev, Colin Fox and Pete Shaw,during the 80s (and 90s in Pete’s case).

Pete Prescott….Pete looks like john bonham.petes a very good player.very that steve gadd thing down so well.i only played with rev in the jims a couple of times.and colin in the harry r’s.

Phil Thornton….agreed Pete looks like John Bonham and plays like Steve Gadd – haha ! great player and top bloke !

Dave Nattress… Roy Sanderson worked with a bunch of my old mates and we used to go and see him in The Road back then. I ended up buying my second car from Roy and his Wife back in about 1971 – a light Green Ford Anglia – 997 cc – £140.00. It was the old Anglia that I put my first cassette player in – sounded pretty poor I guess but with Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple Made in Japan blasting away – no prob. Did me well for a year or more till I could afford my Ford Cortina Mk 2, 1600E. Absolute dogs wotsits that was!!

Leigh Wieland-Boys… Hey Gringo… Pete!  The hair?? The moustache?? What a great photo!

Andy Qunta… Great hair, Pete.

Jan Warren… We all had great hair in the 60s and 70s, thankfully I still have mine, I just can’t bear to cut it, its part of me and my history, and I will always love guys with long hair, hard to find these days ……… think hippy/bikers!!! – yeahhhh man!! 

Pete Shaw… Hi fans! Haha, that photo was actually taken on the steps outside EMI after we had recorded “Funny Little Things” and b sided it with “Rejoice” all for Polydor with Tony Rivers producing it…! Great guys, great hair, great fun…and for the record (!) we were named “Performance” ! Harmony Hairspray anyone???

Robert Searle… Love the photo love the group and still got my copy of the single.

Performance & Lysander – photo & single funny little things 1973



 Andre Palfrey-martin collection                  supplied by Colin Fox

Pete Shaw…. line up… Pete Shaw Ray Harper Roy Sanderson Tony Kenward Colin Fox

Andre Martin…..just found this photo with Roy breaking in to a smile

Terry Pack…..Is that Peter James Shaw behind Ray?

Colin Fox…..Sure is!

Pete Shaw……Roy Sanderson and I had part time work as bookends…! And who is wearing harmony hairspray! Jesuz, the dressing room fug!!

Phil Gill…..Nice bell-end on your sleeve there

Pete Shaw…..Trendy huh Phil…you must’ve reached 8 years old when I bought my trendy apparel….and “bell end” certainly fitted the bill!!

Jane Hartley….That’s how I remember Pete Shaw!

Alan Esdaile…… Confusingly another band called ‘Performance signed to Polydor in 2005.

Colin Fox…..Tony Rivers was producing the record and came out of the control room eating an apple and said, “I think we need another harmony on that line”. He proceeded to sing the harmony while still eating his apple.

Robert Searle Got my copy. Great picture Colin


is this photo Performance or Lysander?

Peter Millington… I thought this was Lysander – Performance seems to have passed me by. How long did they last and do you remember the dates of Performance and Lysander’s existance?

Jane Hartley… Performance were still going in 75 if I remember correctly!

Pete Shaw… If my memory serves me correctly, Polydor records identified “Lysander” as a previously used band identifier so “Performance” was deemed acceptable…studio time was great as the “A” side was band vocals but session musicians whereas the “B” side was truly us.”Why?” you may ask, but the studio was incredibly busy with Micky Most stuff and I even was given a “White” copy of a brand new Hollies Album at the time! Several well known disc jockeys floating around and even my then girlfriend Janet Tamplin (from Westerham) made a visit to the studio! Pop stars huh!!!  I even drank ginger beer!!!

Colin Fox… I would trust what Peter Shaw says, his memory is better than mine. The photo on the stairs, (which I thought was Lyzander), must have been very close to when we changed our name to Performance.

David Smith… Dont forget my lap steel with wah-wah on the ‘B’side Pete & the scream at the end when you stood on my hair! 😉

Robert Searle… Rejoice.


Shaft – Mk1


supplied by Bob Shipway

Bob Shipway… Shaft Mk1 (L-R) Pete Shaw, Andy Knight, Colin Pearce, and Bob Shipway. Not sure of the date or location.

Andy Knight… What were we doing, you look v happy on drums! Dave and I singing, mad or what, Jim hiding, looks like Hastings Pier to me or maybe Lees Cliff ?

Bob Shipway… yep very happy indeed. I thought it may be Hastings Pier. Yes, mad, and good, times. I can remember swapping onto drums so you could sing at the front on a couple of songs but can’t for the life of me remember what they were.

Alan Esdaile… Rare to see Andy out front. Does look like the pier.

Robert Searle… Remember seeing Dave and Shaft at the Regent

Andy Knight… Will look that date up, not sure about Pete Shaw, prob Dave?

Harry R & The Jump Jets – The Continental 1982 & De La Warr 1983


The Continental Bexhill 22nd September 1982supplied by Pete Prescott

Pete Prescott, Terry Pack, Dave Easton, Pete Shaw, Andy Caine and Ray Fenwick.




The De La Warr Pavilion 5th October 1983 supplied by Pete Prescott

Pete Prescott ….it was one of those short lived (and everyone new it ) fun bands.ray was good at getting everyone on board and organising rehearsals.i learned 48 rock and roll songs in a week.the best 24 were picked and the rest dumped.i could still sing most me then now.we all learned a lot.especially how good rock and roll is.and how influential it is.

Robert Searle… Good pictures of Pete and great picture of some great musos.

Jane Hartley… Nice legs!

Phil Gill… You wouldn’t want to take any of ’em home to meet your parents, would you?

Harry Randall… I’m wondering what’s happened to them all?

Janet Rennie… Lovely boys

Mark Gilham… What is it with Ray and promo pics?

Pete Prescott… Great band ! Andy and Ray played so well. Fantastic players. We had our moments.

Terry Pack…  did a number of recordings with him, including a country blues album(!). I liked him and he was a very good player: much more than a rocker.

Andy Caine… Bags of fun!!!

Martyn Baker… Great band photo!

Pete Shaw… What fun we all had..before Harry R, during the mad days of Harry R and after where we all did a bomb burst back into more mad music in varying bands!! Great lessons learnt…22 minute guitar solos..easy!!!

Pete Prescott… Yeah ray solo Andy solo Andy Qunta solo Tony Qunta West solo ray solo in a blues jam. 28 sodding minutes ha ha !

Phil Gill… I believe Rev Stockdale’s mum met several of them one morning when she walked into her living room and found them asleep on the floor.

Pete Shaw… What fun we all had..before Harry R, during the mad days of Harry R and after where we all did a bomb burst back into more mad music in varying bands!! Great lessons learnt…22 minute guitar solos..easy!!! And I’m allegedly a drummer…!

Andy Caine… Making as much noise as possible!

Martyn Baker… I’ll have you know, my parents met at least 3 of them.

The Mars Fenwick Band – Ash Ain’t Nothing But Trash! 1986



supplied by Pete Prescott

Featuring Johnny Mars, Ray Fenwick, Pete Shaw, Terry Pack & Chris Cozens.

Terry Pack…I don’t have a copy of this, but I remember shooting the video on a freezing cold day in an alleyway in Wapping. The place was covered in ash and treacle (to represent tar, yuk!) and one of the extras was Nick Mason, the drummer from Pink Floyd, who spent the day dressed in rags and covered in ash because the director was his friend. I met Nick recently and we talked about this shoot. He said he had a tape of it, and would make me a copy. I don’t have it yet, but I bet Pete Shaw has it (he has everything!)..I don’t remember the session either, but I’m guessing from the cover that we did it at Park Gates(?)

Alan Esdaile….It would be great to see a copy of the video. According to Pete Prescott this track was featured on the Esther Rantzen show for the anti smoking campaign. Interesting to know if any of the band were smoking at the time!

Terry Pack….John used to smoke cigars when I first met him in about 83, but he’d quit by the time we did this. Chris had been a smoker at college, but quit in his 20s. I’ve never smoked, and I suspect that neither Ray nor Pete ever have.

Pete Fairless…..I think this it is, guys!  Anette Lyton being, of course, Mrs Nick Mason…

Pete Shaw…..Quite an exciting time being involved in this….recorded at Park Gates, video recording in both a Thameside redundant warehouse and a studio….three dancers from our Harry R and Jumpjet girls…Including Kathy (later Fenwick)…fun with Warren Mitchell who played the office caretaker in the video, Annette who arrived all in black on a motorcycle following fiancé Nick Mason in his black 5 litre Porsche 928, lunch whilst all still in “costume” in a pub right on the Thames, and later TV showings and much publicity….and Terry was right, none of us actually smoked nor had a lighter to start the burning wreaths of fags on the Cadillac Hearse! And yes, I have a copy of all!! Plus, we still don’t smoke coz… “Ash ain’t nothing but trash……!!” Haha…

Terry Pack…..just watched the video. I don’t remember any of the studio stuff, or the girls. That must have been shot on a different day(?). All I remember is the stuff in the alley, and how cold it was! I have a very brief moment on camera, looking about 18! (Dave Cottrell please take note: you’re not the only one who looked 10 when aged nearly 30). I like the bass sound on this, and the playing. My Fender Jazz (back pick up only) straight into the board.

Pete Shaw was talking about this record and song on my radio show for CHR…

Pete Prescott… I’ve got the single. on the Forcefield album,  the vocal was removed and I sang on the same backing track with a different lyric. It was called fire in the city. I think this was shown on the Esther Ransom show.


Reservoir Cats – Hastings Beach Concert 2004

img253 rc 3 rc 5

rc 7 rc11

rc 2  rc 9 rc 6

© Eddie Hazell Estate . 

Phil Gill guitar, Pete Prescott vocals, Terry Pack guitar, Pete Shaw drums, Jo Brooks keyboards.

Pete Shaw… I’ve still got those shorts, that top and the kit! I must have cleaned it as the gold snare hoops don’t have any lager stains or crisp leftovers……

Alan Esdaile… are these the famous shorts from ‘Harry R & The Jump Jets’?

Pete Shaw… An updated pair carefully tailored for the fuller man….!

Pete Prescott… hot day as i recall !

Pete Prescott (commenting on Jo Brooks) that is one serious shirt !(good coming from me ha ha !) lovely fella.