The Deep Purple – Cricket Ground Hastings and Cobweb letter 1968

Supplied by Len Benton

Len Benton, Peter Horton, Tony Bird, Tich Turner and Ian McGilvray.

Robert Searle… Tich looking quite normal

Jim Breeds… “bee off”

Pauline Richards… Peter Horton. Still looks so much like himself

Colin Fox… When Tich was just starting out in the music business, he used to come and see us play at Battle memorial hall. Got to know him well in those days, and had the pleasure of seeing him play some years later in one of the colleges in Meads Eastbourne. Great singer, great rock band.

Robert Searle… Last time I saw him play was with that really good R&B group, can’t remember the name,at the Archery at Seaside Eastbourne.That was in the 70s

Mick O’Dowd… A real” moody” pose as per group pics in those days. Nice pics of Deep Purple emerging from Len Benton. Haven’t seen these before .

Judith Monk… I wanted to come to the next meeting and meet Len and his wife but sadly decided to break my leg instead….

Peter Horton… I do agree that Pete Horton looks like Pete Horton, Pauline. In fact we all look as I remember us. Fresh faced and young!!! They were good times. I had never seen this one before. Thanks Len.

John Wilde… They played at The Happening, Kings Rd. 1967.


Deep Purple – The Happening Club around 1967

The Happening.

supplied by Peter Horton  at The Happening Club Kings Road

The local ‘Deep Purple’ around 1967 with original singer ‘Kevin Clark'(who was later replaced by Tich Turner). So I think the rest of the band are Peter Horton, Tony Bird, Ian McGilvray & Len Benton.

Joe Knight….WOW!!!!

Mick O’Dowd….This pic was taken at The Happening in Kings Road St.Leonards the home of Jon Wilde!

Geoff Peckham….I saw them several times in Bexhill. Enjoyed a bit of faux-fame because of their namesakes and even covered “Hush”. Loved Mac’s drumming. Eventually changed their name to Whiskey Mac.

Alan Esdaile Johnny Mason….When I first started going to gigs I think every band played ‘Hush’ and ‘Knock On Wood’.

Geoff Peckham….I played those and Midnight Hour, Hold On, etc. in my early bands too. But when I first heard the Bexhill Deep Purple playing Hush, I asked Mac if it was his band that had the single; he just put his finger to his lips and went “ssshhhhhh”!

Tonny from Cornwall…..Any idea how long the Bexhill Deep Purple existed? I’m trying to work out if some info I have about ‘Deep Purple’ supporting Kippington Lodge end of May 1968 in Goudhurst, Kent relates to ‘your’ Deep Purple or the more famous later version who were just back from a tour of Denmark.  Kippington Lodge were on Parlophone records; so were ‘Deep Purple’ of ‘Hush (and more) fame….

Andre Martin….If it helps in the calculation – Friday 27th September 1968, they had their first public appearance as Whisky Mac at the Tackleways Boys Club in Hastings. Kippington Lodge were one of the “back-up” bands for Hastings Pier, when John Schofield ran the Sat & Sun nights, they would appear almost at a moments notice. They were still playing a Deep Purple up to April time, I have some reference to this at the Regent Hotel. I have posted this picture before – in the write up it mentions that they will be playing the Witch Doctor – or the newly renamed club the Cobweb, that did not open until the end of February 1968 !


Andre Palfrey-martin collection

Andre Martin….The group played in Eastbourne – The Continental in October 1967 – billed as The Deep Purple

Battle Memorial Hall November 1967

Ken Copsey… Great picture

John Wilde… Wonderful to see these images. I was there in my Fathers club The Happening.

Paul Sleet… I remember seeing them at Woodlands Girls school if memory serves me right. Must have been around 1968 or 69.

The Likes Of Us – 25th June 1966 supplied by Peter Horton.

The Likes Of Us Photo 1.

The Likes Of Us Photo 2.

The Likes Of Us Photo 3.

Likes Of Us Play List.

Peartree Lane Practise.

all photos supplied by Peter Horton

Peter Horton… Photo 1 shows us playing at The Swedish Students Party at Glyne Hall ,Sackville Road, Bexhill-On-Sea. Left to Right:- Ian Rolls ( Manager ), Chris Burt ( Base Guitar ), Ted Barnes ( Vocals ) & Pete Horton ( Rhythm Guitar ). Photo 2 shows the same evening:- Left To Right:- Chris Burt ( Base Guitar ), Ted Barnes ( Vocals ), Pete Horton –  (Rhythm ) &  Bob Laurie ( Lead Guitar ). Photo 3 shows the same evening:- Ian McGilvray   (Drums ).  Photo 4 shows our play list for that evening 25th June, 1966 at The Glyne Hall, Sackville Road, Bexhill-On-Sea. Photo 5 shows three of us at our practice at a garage in Peartree Lane, Little Common, Bexhill-On-Sea:- Left To Right:- Chris Burt ( Base Guitar ), Bob Laurie ( Lead Guitar ) and Pete Horton ( Rhythm Guitar.

Geoff Peckham… Thanks for these, Peter. I never saw the band, but was mates with Ted Barnes’ younger brother, Steve. Through him I met Bob Laurie and another brilliant Blues guitarist, Patrick Gaffney. I played bass in some jams at the Barnes residency around ’67, ’68 and that’s where I fell in love with the Blues.

Ian McGilvray… Love the jacket the Drummer is wearing !

Robert Searle…  Why do people. play in front of the drummer . You’re right Mac ,what a great jacket ,you must have got hot wearing that.

Mick O’Dowd… Well Robert Searle haven’t you already realise that the drummer likes sitting at the back ‘cos that is where they’ve always been!

Geoff Peckham… A great set list. Only wish I could have heard them playing it. Bob Laurie was a great guitarist but was uncomfortable with public performance. He taught me one or two things about Blues guitar when I was about 15 including the use of the 9th chord.

Gaynor Duke… Ted Barnes is my brother in law and is still singing and plays good guitar now.

Alan Esdaile… Hi Gaynor Duke, please pass on the photos to Ted Barnes and it would be good to get some comments from him and other photos if he has any. Thanks.

Ted Barnes (Via Gaynor Duke)… The Swedish Student gig took place on his 17th birthday, he had seen the photos before but the set list triggered memories!

Chris Burt… Well done Pete. Different Times! I played BASS guitar – probably not very well!

Peter Fairless… Nice playlist!

Thomas (Ted) Barnes… Just found this website and wanted to thank Peter Horton for posting the photographs. Different times, as Chris Burt says, and a long time ago… but happy memories. Just in case anyone’s interested, some of my own recent music is available online (Spotify or Apple Music): an album called ‘Waiting for the Thunder’ by Barnes and Harvey.

The Flipsides – Sidley Fete – 29th May 1965

Sidley Fete2


photos supplied by Peter Horton

Peter Horton… The pics show a group that we named ” The Flipsides “. This group was formed to perform at The Sidley Fete on Saturday 29th May, 1965. We were formed on Wednesday 7th April, 1965 and we broke up following the gig. The line up was fairly flexible and several people actually came up on stage to play on the day. If anyone can remember who the vocalist was please let me know. During the afternoon we had multiple equipment failure and we never completed the set. Pictures of the audience indicate that they seem to be enjoying themselves.

photo 1 …  Tony Bird Lead/Rhythm Guitar LHS, unknown singer vocalist Centre Snap, Phillip Earle Drums RHS, Sue Walden Vocalist Shown just to the left of the right hand window.

photo 2… Tony Bird Lead/Rhythm LHS, Rev Stockdale Lead/Rhythm Centre, Pete Horton Rhythm Guitar RHS.

photo 3… Phillip Earle Drums Unfortunately 2 snaps were taken on top of each other but this is the only other picture of Phil that I have from that day.

Geoff Peckham… Great pictures. Being a Sidley lad at that time, I was probably one of the lads there in thrall.

Phil Earle… Gosh, I’d forgotten this. No idea who the vocalist is. This was the first of many kits I had over the years and was a red sparkle mixture of a Gigster bass drum, Olympic toms, and Gigster snare. Cymbals and hi hats were Zyn and super Zyn. I can even remember I used Premier L sticks bought from Bird Music when they were at the top of Sackville Road. Shame the photo of me was double exposed but hey ho still good to see. Following this group I went on to join The Shrew People which has been mentioned here before. I must look out the photos for the site.

Ian McGilvray… I must have been trying to get some tips from the Band. Believe it I’m in the bottom left hand corner of the second photo. (posing as normal)!

Robert Searle… Can’t miss you mate

Colin Fox… Not THE Tony Bird of Birds Music fame? lol

Gaynor Duke… I was just going to comment that I spotted Mac in the crowd

Ian McGilvray… That’s me Gaynor with My imitation Beatles haircut

Philip Holloway… Can you remember any more about the fete, when the group wasn’t playing? I could ask Tony Bird, but can’t get in the shop. I’m making a Facebook album on Sidley past present.

Nikki Terry… I remember Rev Stockdale, Tony Bird, Dave Easton, Mick Ingram, Stuart Moir, Graham Putland oh loads of names…….

Mark Randall… We recorded our first ever demo at Tony’s 4 track studio

Laura Stockdale… Hey! Revs daughter here, does anyone have any more pictures of my dad?

Peter Millington… Looks like Tony Bird is playing Bass if that’s him on the left hand side?

Robert Searle… Mac bottom left

The Deep Purple – 1968

From 68 – Tich Turner, Tony Bird , Len Benton, Peter Horton and Ian McGilvray.Deep Purple Pic Darker.(1)

Deep Purple Text Darker.

supplied by Pete Horton

Group Card                                                                    from Peter Horton


Paul Sleet – saw them at a gig at a girls school in Hastings. Think it was woodlands in tower road if memory serves. I was a mere schoolboy at the time.

Phil Gill – Brilliant – Tich, Tony Bird and Len Benton!
John Alexander Wilde – Fab! Great find Andre.
Graham Burfield – tich turner on the right I think & tony bird

Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection

Ian McGilvray…The Deep Purple, What a fantastic Band, Shame We had to change Our name.

The Likes Of Us back together in 2022

supplied by Peter Horton

Peter Horton… At long last I have managed to get us together again playing together for the first time since 1966. Around 150 extra years between us now since 1966. Chris Burt, Peter Horton and Bob Laurie.

Rick Baldwin… That’s a great story, best Wishes hope you have a great time together!

Andy Qunta… Excellent! Keep it going, boys!

Dave Nattress… Wonderful – I hope you enjoyed the reunion – incredible!!

Wendy Weaver… Wonderful. Bet you have some great laughs.

The Likes Of Us at The Den 1960’s

supplied by Bob Laurie

Peter Horton… A new pic has just come to light and has been sent to me by Bob Laurie. It shows Bob Laurie, Chris Burt and myself photograped at our ” Den ” in Peartree Lane near Little Common. It was taken at the same time as another one already sent to you sometime ago. We were in ” The Likes Of Us ” at the time and the the pic was taken by Chris Burt’s dad known as Joe. I can’t remember seeing it before.

Geoff Peckham… The original garage band?

Dave Nattress… Very sharp Mr Pecksniff!!

Geoff Peckham… Cheers, Neggle! And a Happy New Year to you!