Headlights, Be Bop Bella, Die Laughing, Sunstroke – Carlisle – 558 Entertainments – 12th Jan to 20th Jan 1979


supplied by Mick Mepham

Mick O’Dowd… This was my first promotion at The Carlisle. I had previously promoted Headlights at The Caves and was very impressed with them. They came from London but that’s all I can remember about them. Can anybody else help out? As you can probably make out Be Bop Bella & Sunstroke were rock’n’roll acts and then there’s that other band that no one on this page has probably ever heard of. Die Laughing. Hi Mick, Lol & Tel!

Alan Esdaile…  Remember Sunstroke very well. Used to be managed by Cy Whitfield in Hastings. Very surprised we have not found any photos of the band so far. This is all I got.


Mick O’Dowd… I now realise I promoted Headlights 3 times. They must have been good!

Jim Breeds… Was the audience mainly made up of transfixed rabbits? 😀

Sarah Baggaley… Hi, my dad played bass in a band called Sunstroke in the 70s. I have a pic of the band with a Hastings phone number on it so I guess it’s the same one?! Trying to find out a bit more about it as he died in 1997.

Alan Esdaile… Is Mick O’Dowd mad?

Tim Moose Bruce…  I remember Before The Storm, they were very young and new to the scene but every time I saw them ( Supporting bands like Die Laughing) they improved with leaps and bounds. I recall they changed their name to Billy Whiz later on.

The Flesheaters Ball – Hastings Pier 16th June 1979

posters and cuttings supplied by Mick O’Dowd, ticket supplied by Mick Mepham

Here’s a link for Brighton Punk Bands. Comprehensive local history of all the Brighton punk bands from 1976-1980. Featuring Attrix Records and Shop, the Vault, the Vaultage Albums 78, 79. 80, punk posters, fashion and style


Mick O’Dowd… My last promotion on the Pier in conjunction with Martin Prior of Priway Music in 1979. Great gig if not somewhat damp from flob! Piranhas good band, great blocks, enjoyed promoting them. Promoted them 3 times, twice at The Carlisle and then this on the Pier. They then went on to be hitmakers.

Peter Fairless… Always liked The Piranhas. Let’s hear it for Boring Bob, Johnny, Reg, Dick and Phil!

Alan Esdaile…  I can remember making some badges for this gig.

Steve Foster… I saw them at the Carlisle,me and my mates Jon and Pete played pool with them. Also saw them support The Jam at the Brighton Centre

Mick O’Dowd… Though they’re listed on ticket & handbill, The Teenbeats did not appear.

Teenbeats & Piranhas – The Carlisle 23rd February 1979


supplied by Teenbeats facebook page.

Bobby Walker….Great gig!  Huggy Leaver was a local character in Hastings around this time. This was the last time I spoke to him … next saw him in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Philip Meston…..Then there was Guns, Gangsters and Zombies!

Mick O’Dowd… Another classic 558 Entertainments promotion and don’t forget the British Heart Foundation ad with Vinnie Jones where Huggy played “The body” to “Staying Alive”. Two great bands. This was the first time I booked the Piranhas after being pestered by their management. The agreement was that I would give them 2 support act slots and if they were popular(which as it turned out, they were) i’d put them on top billing. As it happened they were so popular that they headlined after only one show.

Colin Jefferys… Was this not the gig where a few lads jumped on to the stage ( albeit a very low level small one) and tried to smack Bob Grover? I’m sure they were rubbish

Peter Fairless… Top band, the Piranhas were great Bob and Johnny wrote some magic but, hey, the Teenbeats were ours!

Mark Syrett… Top night as I remember