First In and Last Out (Filo) and buses High Street, Old Town, Hastings.

Photo: Peter John Morris. British Roadscene

Peter John Morris… Hastings in Trolleybus days

Chris Meachen… I remember buses coming the other way having to mount the pavement. Almost hard to believe that this was a 2 way street, & the main road through the old town..

Tony Court-holmes… used to live at 103a

Linda Gowans… An elderly fisherman told me (in about 1960) that you should have seen the traffic jams with horse-drawn waggons in the High Street!

Steve Hamilton… 52a here! Vague recollection of buses and arguments on the road. Arguments still around today no doubt!

Mick O’Dowd… Its hard to think High Street was two-way. I know there were a lot of close calls but nothing too serious I recall!

Claire Lonsdale… And there’s my old house on the right. Lived there for 17 years.

Peter Ellingworth… Photo taken in 1955 I believe, possibly the same day as the Pump House one shown previously. The guy that took it has this on the Historical Hastings site with an explanation. Unfortunately I can’t quite see the TB reg no., or from my records I could see what happened to this particular TB after closure of the Hastings system in 1959. Am I correct for the TBuses, at least in latter years, there was a traffic light control system for one vehicle only at a time working at each end of the High Street automatically activated by passage of the buses themselves?

Who remembers seeing bands in The Cricketers?


supplied by Phil Little. Hastings Music Files

Chris Giles… What year would this be… Frequented lots 1979 -1980’s but no live groups then only a jukebox.

Roy Penfold… Is that the pub that used to be (may still be) on the other end of the block to Pissarros?

David Bartlett… thats the pub.! nowadays its all closed up. On the corner by the entrance to St Andrews market. They were a music venue for a year or two. The cricket ground was still there and we cut a piece of the turf and kept it on the bar just before they built the precinct . I,ve had some very good times at the Cricks RIP. Pizzaro’s used to be the Two Princes. I had some good times down there as well lol

Dave Nattress… I certainly do but God alone knows who – was a long time ago and undoubtedly the Brown liquid had flowed!!

French’s Robertson Street Hastings 1974

Matt Thomas… What’s happened to the place now? Looks closed again to me

Steve Cooke… Was such a great bar in the 70s – good food, marvellous sarnies, daily papers hanging on the rods, local hangout of pro actors, musos and artists. Much missed.

Chris Fitzgerald… Best pub. Used to love it there

Janine Hemsley… Happy Days

Stuart Moir… Played there many times with Centre Page

Anthony Baker… Our Gran used to toddle down to French’s for a Glass of Port. She lived at the top of Queens Road, by the railway bridge. Kept her fit I reckon!

Mandy Wright… Good times xx

Tony Court-holmes… my god, l fell over a few times in there, do you remembers the white port?

Who remembers Mr Cherry’s?

Yvonne Cleland… That’s a yes from me.

Peter Fairless… Oh, yes!

Neil Cartwright… Remembers? Has it gone???

Andrew Freeman… Oh yes!

Peter Thomson… First place I ever tasted Fosters lager, on a warm summer evening. It was genuine Ozzy fair, imported and served from a tinny. Tasted ok but was significantly stronger than the artificial urine we get now. You want to know how bad it is? Try it at room temperature! This is CAMRA signing off…

Jim Breeds… Definitely!

Patrick Lewis… Quite a few happy nights there in the mid to late 70’s

Jim Breeds…  I think you might be right Pat.

Chris Giles… Yes I used to go there …it was a long walk but ok if you were going into scalliwags later

Alan Pepper… Was it opposite what is now AZUR ? I think we did go there 1977 en route to Scalliwags Fridays ‘back in the day’ !! When the Bee Gees ruled the decks . Get on down !

Alan Esdaile… Yes opposite Azur, Alan.

Jane Dorsett…  went to mr cherrys every weekend,in the mid 70s,then up Saturdays.

Diane Knight… Passed my college years in there !!!

Leigh Weiland-Boys… Loved it there – used to pop in lunch times when at College, and, like others, before going down Scallis

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The Malvern – gigs 1995


supplied by Phil Little Music Files.

Karen Sweatman… I loved going to see Becky & the Bombshells. She used to give me and my mates her mike to do backing vocals ….. badly! 🙂

Michael Wilson… Used to see the Bombshells at the Marina ‘Fountain’. Great gigs

Richard Turner… Remember my dads band playing there sure it used to b called the new broom

Kev Towner…  remember going to see Splodgenessabounds at The Malvern with Graham Swann


Two Sawyers Club Pett – 1967

supplied by John Busbridge

John Busbridge… The Pub is still there but I don’t remember much about the Club?

Mike Mitchell… Remember it well from Sunday lunchtimes in the late 60s. The pub itself was a members-only club. Used to go there with my mum and dad. My sister and I were allowed in to play shove ha’penny

Sophie Ash…. Back in the day, Pett was a temperance village – hence the club status of the Sawyers. At least I think that’s the story.

Jan Warren…Interesting ……. I lived in Pett Level as a kid from about 1962-1967, it was the best place ever in those days, but now, sadly it seems to have been turned into a “millionaires Haven”??!! – we were all poor people there back in the 60s and it was so beautifully wild and unspoilt land, my parents had very little money so life was hard but my memories will always be of happiness and freedom in such a place that felt like a little “paradise” to me ………. I often used to walk through the village of Pett and remember The Two Sawyers Pub …….. and what was the other one on the corner, coming up from Chick Hill??? – I think its been a bikers meeting place for some years, – just say the name, I know it ……… shit, I know it??!!! so annoying ………….. ugghhhhhhhhh

Steve Amos… The Royal Oak?

Jan Warren… Yes, The Royal Oak, thank you

John Williams… Played in my band a few times I that pub

Eugene Hughes… Who remembers the flamingo? The one that migrated to the Pett Level lake every summer!

Dave Nattress… Definitely remember the Flamingo – used to drive across to the Pett Level pools from Bexhill and saw it several times. Early 70’s – maybe 1972 for a couple of years at least.

Eugene Hughes… It was there into the 80’s

Robert De Mortain and Hastings Rock end of an era


Robert De Mortain… This is with great sadness that I would like to inform you that the Robert De Mortain has traded yesterday for the last time. I am not a man of words so I will make it short.
The whole team at the Robert de Mortain would like to thank you for allowing us to be part of your life. We are very proud to have contributed to the local community and real sad to see the pub go. We know what it means to you: “18th and 21st Birthdays, Bank Holidays, Hastings Rock Radio, Karaoke, THE QUIZ, Xmas Day, First alcoholic drink, being kicked out or barred:), hangover, first date, last date, wake, funeral, outdoor antics, ghost hunting, table tennis and badminton social club, halloween, the odd games of darts, …” so much to think of! We will miss you. Should you wish to get in touch with any member of the team please leave your details in a private message or pop in and leave a note in the mailbox. Thank you and take care.

Sarah Harvey… We are sure that the fans will join all of us at Hastings Rock in thanking everyone who has been involved with The Robert De Mortain both past and present for some wonderful times and also wishing them all the very best of fortune for the future. The Robert De Mortain has always been described as the spiritual home of Hastings Rock and we will miss everything about it. May The Robert De Mortain and all the people who have been involved with it…… live on in your fondest memories forever!

Roxine Lucas… What a shame got a lovely beer garden out the back x