Live Aid July 13th 1985. Can you remember what you were doing?

Thanks to Matt Thomas for suggesting this.


MTV 1981 – 1991

July 13th, 1985, At 12.01 Status Quo started the ‘Live Aid’ extravaganza, held between Wembley Stadium, London and The JFK Stadium, Philadelphia. The cream of the world’s biggest rock stars took part in the worldwide event, raising over £40million. TV pictures beamed to over 1.5bn people in 160 countries made it the biggest live broadcast ever known. Artists who appeared included Paul McCartney, Phil Collins, The Who, U2, David Bowie and Mick Jagger, Queen, Tina Turner, The Cars, Neil Young, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan, Bryan Adams, Hall and Oates, Lionel Richie and Led Zeppelin.

supplied by Barry French

Mike Curtis….I  was glued the the TV, astounded by the professionalism by all who took part, blown away by Queen and Dire Straits! And Quo.

Mick Mepham….I think I was still in Western Road then but that’s as far as my memory goes ….

Matt Thomas…I was working in the shop and all the punks and metalhedz kept asking for records to be played whilst i was trying to listen to the concerts on the radio lol

Alan Esdaile….Same as Matt but taped it all and watched when I got home. Queen were excellent.

Jim Breeds…..Living in West Kirby on The Wirrall. Watched it all through. Taped the whole lot on VHS. Never played the tapes. Bought the DVD when it came out more recently. Never watched a minute of it!

Clifford Rose…..As far as I can remember I watched Live aid up until 19:30 and then went to the Hastings Beer Festival. Queen and Bowie were excellent.

Karen Sweatman…..I was 15 and did not move all day from the telly. Loved it – particularly Queen and U2. As a Duran Duran fan, I was disappointed though cos they were a bit pants on the day. Think Simon Le Bon’s voice broke half way through 🙂

Phil Thornton….had it up loud all day !

Yvonne Cleland…..I was at a party in Northiam…

Matt Thomas……I remember a heavily pregnant Alison Moyet belting out a Marvin Gaye track with Paul Young and  I recall an interview with Bob Geldof and he was saying everyone was watching Queen backstage and said ‘That bastard Mercury has stole the show’ lol well he was the ultimate showman. Another highlight for me was when Joan Armatrading popped her head around the curtain and just said ‘Hello’ lol

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Competition time & results – David Bowie & Queen Live Aid from Philip John


supplied by Philip John

Philip John… Competition time ! Okay, Mott was the only band Queen ever played support to so we have a connection. Got this live Aid pic from Crystal the guy who replaced me as Rogers roadie all those years ago.
The living legend is pictured just behind Mr David Bowie (Official) in the sunglasses. Now if any one’s interested enough I’d like them to post a caption to this picture. We need to know what Roger’s saying to David. The writer of the best caption judged by me,Rich, Crystal & Andy will receive a signed copy of my diary ‘You Rocked,We Rolled’ the final Mott tour written way back in ’74.

mott book

Alan Esdaile… It could be … Keep smiling David, as they will be talking about this photo in 30 years time. or Looks like Bob’s about to bite a chunk out of Prince Charles’s shoulder.

Pete Fairless… Nah, he’s saying; “…ALMOST makes up for never having played Hastings Pier, doesn’t it, David?”

Colin Bell… Is Roger saying I think Di has spotted Camilla on backing vocals………….!

Pete Fairless…  She thought it was Camilla but, actually, it was Keef!

Eric Cawthraw… Here’s a couple for the caption comp: Roger to David: I know the band is loud – and no names, but I think a certain lady has farted!    Or: Roger: Hey David, Bob is asking His RH if he wants to join our new band, we’re changing our name from Queen to Prince. David: Nice one Rog, but I think someone else goes under that name!   Or: Roger: I think Di said to Charles that she doesn’t like Camellias parked in bowls. I have a filthy one, but not appropriate for the web-site, you’d need Private Eye’s lawyers! You could always ask John Storer for representation!

Philip John… Whoa ! over 2000 hits already + the Mott sites.. Reckon we’ll call it a day this Friday the 23rd. With so many captions to choose from and such high quality humour we thought we’d add 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes so keep the captions coming in . Should have the results on Monday.


supplied by Philip John

Matt Thomas… I think she’s wearing Harmony Hairspray – Roger to David .

Philip John… Okay, results for the captions competition.First place went to Brian Holquin whose caption truly captures the easily ruffled egos of our more sensitive stars. ( David to Roger : The one truly indispensable global icon,he said. Basically there could be no show without me.Roger: Bastard! Geldof told US the same thing.
2nd place went to Harry Moriarty, definitely got to be the basis for a tall tale there.
Roger: Don’t worry the Ziggy Stardust pants that you left in Mountain Studios are in an old Tesco bag behind the drum kit. You can pick them up later after you do your set.
And in 3rd place for a very polite English put down Christopher Turnbow.
Roger : David, would you mind bringing us some beverages ?
To Claim your prizes, either a copy of my diary ‘You Rocked We Rolled’ or a Mott Road Crew shirt as displayed here by the lovely Tessa , either send me your mailing address in a Message or e-mail it to <
I’d like to thank everyone who had a go at the caption and the four thousand + who stopped to check the photo out.



Queen & Adam Lambert rock big ben – comments



New Years Eve BBC1  23.15 Queen & Adam Lambert Rock Big Ben Live. Proving that you can never keep a good band down, veteran rockers Brian May and Roger Taylor join forces with flamboyant US singer Adam Lambert – the runner-up in the 2009 American Idol series – at the Central Hall in London’s Westminster. Together they blast out a number of Queen classics to an excited 2,000-capacity crowd, only pausing to take a break for the chimes of Big Ben and the traditional fireworks display over the Thames. Presented by Radio 1 DJs Greg James and Gemma Cairney. Continues at 12.10am.

Jim Hobbs… Bloody awful, Freddy must be spinning. The poor sound mix didn’t help, the lead vocals should be upfront, not mixed out of the room. Shame! What is it with BBC live music sound? …. compression maybe, or just poor sound design?

Colin Fox… Adam Lambert: shit, didn’t fit with Queen. Paul Rodgers a lot better. If they want to replace Freddy, (who can never be replaced), try George Michael.

Yvonne Cleland… Well I’m going to disagree! I didn’t want to watch/hear this but the tv was on, so I did by accident. I was going to turn over, but ending up watching most of it and was stunned by Adam Lambert’s vocal range & ability to interpret Queen songs (although I accept no-one could do it like Freddy – saw Queen live back in the day). It’s not just me who thinks that either – he’s done very successful tours and albums with Queen. I did like Paul Rodgers, but thought Adam Lambert fitted in more with the music. So there. I agree that the sound mix by the BBC should have been better.

Colin Fox… Perhaps I didn’t explain myself properly. I agree that he has a good vocal range and he probably appeals to teeny boppers rather than us grumpy old men. I just didn’t think he fitted in with Queen, in fact after about 6 songs I got bored with his voice and switched off. My opinion only, unless anyone else wants to chip in.

Jane Hartley… Same with the Queen tribute band we saw a while ago. The band were brilliant but the guy as Freddy wasn’t right, good voice and all but……….

John Wilde… There is a new generation of young people that never heard or saw Queen. I think Adam Lambert has not only given Queen a new audience but he has brought them out of the 70/80s. No one could ever replace Freddie of course but I think Mr Lambert is doing a great job. I bet the Bryan May and Roger Taylor are smiling all the way back to the bank.

Yvonne Cleland… Well said, John x

John Storer… I am so envious of the new generation that haven’t seen or heard Queen. If only we’d all been spared their rock-by-numbers

Remembering Freddie Mercury – died 24th November 1991.

post suggested by John Austin



John Austin… Such a pity never got to see him or Queen down the pier, now that would have been something !

Dave Luck…  A great loss to Queen and the music industry.

Mick O’Dowd… Am I alone in not going raptures over Queen’s music? I do like some tracks but the majority don’t fire me up.

Alan Esdaile….Possibly Mick? I played the first album non stop. Of the later tracks, I love The Show Must Go On.

Jane Hartley… Just heard one that wasn’t released earlier, sorry, but there was a reason for that I’m thinking!

John Storer… Have to say I’m with Mr O’Dowd on this one … enjoyed the albums up to an including “A Night At The Opera” (but.. oh … how that has dated!) but “A Day At The Races” I found very disappointing and nothing they did afterwards held my attention

Mick Mepham… I  didn’t love them slavishly but with everything they released you just knew it was Queen. Not all bands can say that their music stands out from the crowd. May’s guitar playing and sound and Mercury’s vocal are/were very distinctive and you really knew who was coming at you! There’s only a few can say that. If I didn’t like all their songs I loved their precision, flair, musicianship and showmanship.

Yvonne Cleland… I  saw them at Earl’s Court back in the day…….

Queen – 1973


photo supplied by carol ann bolton

Carol Ann Bolton…. hat’s how I remember Queen when I first met them in 1973 supporting Mott the Hoople on their U.K., tour. Being honest, there was little sign of what was to come, apart from Brian’s remarkable guitar playing. Mick and I used to sit and chat to Brian quite a lot in greasy spoon cafés and the hotels, but Mr Mercury was not as communicative and would flounce off in his distinctive fur coat to play the stage piano between gigs. Thinking back, he was playing grandeous, classical sounding stuff which became the sound of Queen later.

Chris Meachen… Pretty much how I remember Brian & Roger when I encountered them in the Speakeasy one night when Stallion played there. Had no real idea who they were at the time.. Members of Mott the Hoople were also in attendance….

Alan Esdaile… Remember the gig at The Speakeasy , Chris. I think a couple of Mott’s were in the audience, I know Morgan Fisher was there. Bizarre things I remember, back stage they had a massive ice making machine.

The Nation’s Favourite Queen Song – ITV 11th Nov 2014 9.00pm and results


As ITV reveals the results of an exclusive poll to find the Nation’s Favourite Queen Song, this programme tells the stories behind the band’s greatest hits. Which one will be the winner? We Are the Champions, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Don’t Stop Me Now, Bohemian Rhapsody, I Want To Break Free, We Will Rock You – or some other classic? There are in-depth interviews with band members Brian May and Roger Taylor and revealing insights from those who knew Queen best. This is the history of the quartet’s greatest moments. Not so much a band, more a national treasure.

Alan Esdaile… Not expecting any surprises here but should be some interesting bits we have not seen before.

Pete Fairless… This won’t win – but is their best… Seven Seas Of Rhye

John Wilde… Favourite Queen album?  Sheer Heart Attack.  Favourite track. Stone Cold Crazy.

Chris Meachen… Excellent & thoroughly enjoyable programme;- just wish they’d had time to play all the songs in their entirety…

Jon McCallion… Top band,Freddie what can you say he was everything. Fantastic performer,sad to lose him at such a young age

Kev Towner… I’d agree Pete. Mind you, I’m also very fond of some the tracks on the first two albums – the proggy ones anyway!!

Julie Findlay-jones… it was brilliant.

Here’s The Results

20 I Want It All – 1989
19 It’s A Hard Life – 1984
18 One Vision – 1985
17 You’re My Best Friend 1976
16 Seven Seas Of Rhye – 1974
15 The Show Must Go On – 1991
14 Another One Bites The Dust – 1980
13 Crazy Little Thig Called Love – 1979
12 A Kind Of Magic 1986
11 Who Wants To Live Forever – 1986
10 Somebody To Love – 1976
9 These Are The Days Of Our Lives – 1991
8 Radio Ga Ga – 1984
7 Under Pressure – 1981
6 Killer Queen – 1974
5 We Are The Champions – 1977
4 I Want To Break Free – 1984
3 Don’t Stop Me Now – 1979
2 We Will Rock you – 1977
1 Bohemian Rhapsody – 1975 & 1991

John Storer… There are very, very few bands that have more than three decent albums in them. Queen are a case in point. The first three albums are great, but after the success of “Bohemian Rhapsody”, they merely pandered to the masses with rock-by-numbers. Your archetypal Radio 2 band

Mott Road Crew Live – The Carlisle Thur 18th Dec 2014


Thursday 18th December @ The Carlisle Mott Road Crew Live with even Taller tales featuring Queen / David Bowie (Official) and Mott The Hoople + The Ballad of Mott The Hoople one of the best Rock Documentaries of the last few years.With special guest Mick Bolton who will be playing live and contributing some of his own tall stories from his time as keyboard player with Mott and Dexy’s. AdvanceTicket details to follow shortly.

Phil John… The Carlisle Rock Pub is probably the leading Rock venue in Hastings which is why Mott Road Crew Live have chosen it for their next Hastings gig on the 18th December . As well as a full on discussion program about life on the road with members of Mott The Hoople and Queens road crew hosted by Andy Gunton from Pierless Music there will also be a screening of The Ballad of Mott The Hoople, one of the best rock documentaries of the last few years. The Crew will also be joined by local musician and ex Mott The Hoople keyboard player Mick Bolton who will contributing to the discussion and also playing a live music set. If you came to their last show at The Electric Cinema in the Old Town you’ll already know some of the tall tales and spinal tap moments that make up the show but don’t worry this is a whole new show with more emphasis on Queen and some interesting stories concerning Mr. Bowie and ‘ Ziggy Stardust’ plus a power point production full of photos taken whilst on tour. Three hours of vintage rock music history for £6.00, that’s the price of a pack of ciggies or two pints of beer . details of how to buy advance tickets will be on the Mott Road Crew Live Facebook page from the weekend onwards.

Chris Sambrook… You Rocked,We Rolled is an interesting read, an insight of a band on the road in the 70′s. 2 other books from the early to mid 70′s, worth a read are Diary of a Rock n Roll Star, Ian Hunter and a fictional book of a band called the Tale of Willy’s Rats by Mick Farren. Both books i have lost over the years. If anyone has a copy of both books, can i borrow them please.

Ticket information…..