Rumbelows Queens Parade Hastings 1980’s

Tim Harris… Free hats and stickers Now that’s an offer you couldn’t refuse !

Wendy Weaver… I liked Rumbelows. We bought quite a few things from them.

David Wilkinson… Late 70s, we bought our first washing machine from a Rumbelows. Not soon after we were back in the shop and I noticed that our washing machine was now badged as “electronic”. So I accosted the Saturday lad and informed him that we had the previous model and that I had connected it to the gas, not realising, as it wasn’t stated, that it was “electric”. I wanted him to confirm that what I had done was ok. He toddled off to consult someone knowledgeable, and we slipped out. If he ever came back to the shop floor, he didn’t find us !!! Such fun !!!

Who remembers Huckells, Queens Parade, Hastings?

shared from Malcolm Greenhill

Malcolm Greenhill… If you remember Huckells in Queens Parade you may remember me.

Jenifer Hitchman… Should have stayed like this. The flooding was never as bad as it is now. Loves these shops. Fads on the corner next to levi

John Wilde… Ben Sherman shirts from Huckells

Sean Fox… Used to work there in the 80’s was a great shop!

Mark Fawaz formaly Gomes… Good old days before they ruined the town building priory meadow knowing it would flood

Tony Bowles… I did Saturdays in Bodsham farm shop and remember buying leather jacket from Huckell’s with very wide lapels!!!!!

Gaz Linch… Worked at Gifford Boyd in QP in the late 70’s. Happy days!

Claire Kelly-Triance… Much nicer then

Graham Sherrington… The view from our living room window. 1963-1970

Ken Wilson… Peter and Dave,they had all the latest gear,treated customers as friends,good to have known them.

Ron Crowther… where new shopping is .Or when there was a cricket ground there .

Judy Atkinson… To be fair, those shops (the buildings) were architecturally hideous!

Dave Nattress… Often visited Huckells from Bexhill when I entered my smooth period. Yes, a leather jacket, great, fabulous patterned shirts and really wide Lionels, hideous zigzag design pullovers, wide lapel jackets that battered you in the wind, quite wide ties, not so-called kippers but wide enough requiring a big knot. Platform shoes I think some came from there. We had no “fashion” boutiques in Bexhill only Peter Jackson on the corner of Sackville Road/Wickham Avenue, OK for Levi 501’s and lots of stuff but nothing really for the smooth and Hastings clubs look period. Ha Ha!! Great days.

Nigel Livermore… In the sixties, this was definitely the place to get your Ben Sherman shirts etc. Spent a lot of money there…..

Huckells – clothes for the man…

Dave Luck… That takes us back a bit

Julie Findlay-Jones… Oh god I brought a pair of brown cordoroy jeans from there and a striped zip up cardigan thought I was the bees knees lol

John Wilde… Sexist!

Peter Thomson… Very Peter Wyngarde – is it the fag?

Keith Cowper… My God I bought some fab gear in there in the 50s and 60s /anyoneremember Kep Casuals another fab gear shop!!?

Roxine Lucas… Great shop 2 buy ben sherman shirts my bruv loved this shop such along time ago

Jon McCallion… Kep casuals was run by Keith Griffiths good shop. Kep stood for Keith Edward Perry my wife tells me

Stephen Moran… Blimey! That brings back memories! I used to buy my Ben Sherman shirts in Huckells in 1969 for £3!

Carl Ridley… Bought some great bits from there in the day

Eugene Hughes… I can picture the little fella with the beard that worked there. Nice bloke.

John Busbridge… I used to buy a lot of my clothes in there!

Lloyd Johnson…  I only bought one item from Huckell’s .A pair of grey trousers like the ones Tony Meehan wore on the first Shadows L.P. Once Keps Casuals open I thought Huckells was naff.Keps Casual raise the style bar!..

No Home Jerome… Thought you were more a Millets guy!

Lloyd Johnson… Millets use to do some good stuff in the early 60s…Suede Levi’s Jackets Etc….I use to buy jeans from Baldocks in George Street, shoes from Winters in George Street and go to London on a cheap day return and buy the late 60s I opened my own shops in London.

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Fine Fare supermarket Queens Parade Hastings – closing 1973

Who remembers Fine Fare?

Nigel Goodman… My parents used to shop there

Virginia Davis… I’d completely forgotten about that shop !

Jim Breeds… An oxymoron, I believe

Dennis Torrance… My mum shopped there to . Must have been one of the first type of stores price items price right another

Dave Nattress… Yes, Fine Fare, I recall it. Also, which song by a very notable British Band who played Hastings Pier contains the line, “Thankful for her Fine Fare discount, Tess Co-operates”. Iain Cobby will get it!!

David Miller… Aisle of Plenty – Genesis. Do I win some Peak Freans Family Assorted for my prize? How about a ticket back to see the the SEBTP tour at the Rainbow or Drury Lane?

Pauline Richards… Didn’t it become ‘fads’ after?

Martin Brown…  Looking at the picture, it looks like FADS and it a dance studio I think above it ? am I correct perhaps

Kev Towner… Yes – it did become FADS.

Tony Bowles… FADS – Half the homes in Hastings must have bought wood chip wall paper from there at sometime or other!!!!

Julie Findlay-jones… My mum and dad used to shop there and then we would catch the bus back to Hollingdon.

Barry French… I remember my Mum collecting S&H pink stamps from Fine Fare. These were the same principle as collecting Green Shield stamps.(Fill a book/books with stamps & redeem them for a gift out of a catalog)

Dennis Torrance… I used to lick them put stamps in books my mum could not stand licking stamps.

Alan Esdaile… remember doing that.

Carol Paffett… Those were the days

Dave Nattress… And well done to David Miller!!

Iain Cobby… Yes , thanks Dave. Still alone in o-hell-o,See the deadly nightshade grow………….. Missing you old friend.

Dave Nattress… Nice one Iain, your name often comes up in conversation with friends and first daughter who is my gig buddy. Told her again recently about college days with you and Paul Durrant and Damaris and the bands we all liked – none less than Genesis I might say. I recall at one of the pier gigs, Paul proudly announcing he’d just had a P in the same toilet as Peter Gabriel. For you, Chris Squire and the Ricky featured highly of course. “Star Tiger” and the whole Bermuda Triangle saga still intrigues me!! I can recall your rendition of “Liar” by Queen resounding through the college classroom. I intend to get to a SMART meet soon and will hopefully see you then.

Lloyd Johnson… Anyone remember the naff clothing shop called ‘Huckles’ on Queens Parade?.. Kep’s Casuals was the best shop!… I never went to Cyril Savages it seemed a thousand miles away to me back then…

Madeline Reade… this was where I use to go shopping in Queens Rd. It’s roughly where M&S is now x

Dennis Torrance… I might be wrong was it another supermarket here before Fine Fare?

Queens Parade Hastings

photos supplied by Anthony ‘Nan’ Morland

Pete Houghton… Thank you for sharing this!

Claire Louise Maplesden… I remember this and wasn’t it much better than what we’ve got now! WHSmith was where Yates is and it was huge too!! ….then Woolworths 🙂 Gamleys (maybe the old Halfords? God knows what it is now) & you didn’t have the threat of an attack as you wandered through your town. Good days….& I’m only 36

Paul Foster… Remember it well , love to wind the clock back now and have another walk around

Judy Atkinson… That parade of shops was truly hideous, no great loss. The shops themselves may have been OK, but the building? Classic awful 50s/60s

Chris Meachen… There were some decent shops there at one time..

Paul Bannister… Chris, that’s the Hastings I remember!

Alan Esdaile… Chris, Huckells.

Keith Veness… Great shop Huckells

Angela Frances Gardner… Such an ugly building!

Neil Cartwright… Ha! Part of me wants to say “What? You mean it’s changed?” I remember FADS very well, and Roger used to work in the TV shop (Curry’s?) across the road.

Tracy Birrell… I love these old photos

Andy Knight… French’s (is that right) went in there and heard ‘Take me to the River’ for the first time playing in the shop, thank you Talking Heads

Merv Kennard… Still using amp and speaker’s bought in French’s very early eighties.

Chris Meachen… similarly, I Bought a JVC amp in about 1976 which is still going strong…

Merv Kennard… Sony amp,wharfdale laser 80 speakers.