Rave at Tackleway with The Suspects and The Prohibition 14th October 1967

Chris Baker… Surely it was just Suspect wasn’t it?

Alan Esdaile… Pretty sure they started out as The Suspects Chris and then changed to Suspect.

Karen Sweatman… They were certainly The Suspects at one point. Just seen a photo with their name on the drum kit

Robert Searle… True

John Gale… Crazy venue, went there a few times in the late 70s, can’t imagine the noise police putting up with that these days

The Hustlers, The Strangers & Tony & The Defiants – Hastings Pier – Easter Sat 28th March 1964


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all cuttings…. Andre Palfrey-martin collection

Andre Martin….Welcome to the next episode of the story of the Happy Ballroom at the Hastings Pier, it’s the Easter Weekend 1964, and there are a lot of good things planned. The line up for tonight’s Carnival Dance is The Hustlers, supported by The Strangers and Tony and The Defiants. Several of the best of the groups from the south coast.
The Hustlers are from the Brighton area and have been professional for the last 3 years working the clubs and ballrooms in the area. In support we have The Strangers, a group that hail from the Brighton area, that have made many appearances at the Happy Ballroom over the past months and lastly, but not least from Eastbourne Tony and The Defiants.

Alan Esdaile… Did people use the expression ‘it’s Gear’ I can’t remember but perhaps I was too young.

Geoff Peckham… Yep. And fab gear……. so my dad tells me!

Alan Esdaile… I remember using the word Fab and being told to speak properly! When I think of the word gear, I think – got some gear, lugging some gear and impressionists with Gottle o gear!

Andre Martin… Interesting – as we now have another band called the Hustlers who were from Brighton Area ! — this needs to be investigated !! This one advertised and the Photo printed, were the Hustlers who recorded for Phillips back in the 1960……more to come about this, the band in the back of the Transit.

Pete Fairless… It ain’t a Transit, though, Andre!

Ralph Town… That looks like a Bedford.

Pete Millington… t’s a COMMER Van

Andre Martin… Thank you gentlemen – I know that the Ford Mk 1 was introduced in October 1965 which started to replace the Thames 400 series Vans. Your correct Pete – this is a Commer Van.

Pete Fairless… Ah, that would be why it has ‘Commer’ written on it!

Maureen Fuller… Any photos of 1964 Carnival Queen

Alan Esdaile… Don’t think so Maureen. If I find anything, will let you know.

Mick O’Dowd… Yes they did you that expression along with “fab gear”, “groovy” “far out” “beat raves”, any more suggestions?

Alan Pepper… When  we went to Liverpool in the mid sixties to see relatives they said everything was gear !