Clive Richardson – UFO Records Hastings Pier 1976

supplied by Clive Richardson

Tony May… Brilliant photo! So emotive of the time period and of the days when vinyl was king!

Martin Richter… surely you’d need some sort of licence for those trousers – they could be a hazard to shipping ?

Paul Buxton… Great bell bottoms

Glenn Piper… I remember then

Tracy Birrell… I remember this..

Clive Richardson… We even sold saucy caption knickers as a sideline! honestly! There’s a pair in the window above the sis sticker if you don’t believe me! They sold best on Sundays, never understood why? I was sometimes asked by female customers “Do you think these will fit me ok?” We called it UFO as I had to signwrite the name and it was only 3 letters to write !! It was such a fun time with so many good bands playing on the pier during that period.

Pete Houghton… Great photo i used to go in there quite a lot on Saturdays

The Continental and Bexhill Nightclubs and Record Shops



photos from The Continental Fancy Dress Competition 1976. Supplied by Jill OHalloran (nee Sullivan).  Jill (Kermit) and friends who played Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear and Gonzo won the fancy dress comp.

Leigh Wieland-Boys asks…Does anyone remember the nightclub under the Cafe Continental in Bexhill?

Charlie Ball… I remember Shunters ? Used to go to Shunters at Bexhill, also the queens Head king offa way, and another just round the corner ?

Leigh Wieland-Boys… I don’t remember that name Mr B – I worked at the Continental in the restaurant early 70s whilst at college. Only remember the nightclub at the Con, can’t remember what it was called but it was very popular & always crowded at the weekends.

Yvonne Cleland… Yes, I used to go to that club! It was ok, as it happens!

Gaynor Duke… The club was called the Continental, the Cont by locals , it opened in the early 60s.

Charlie Ball… The York, Leigh, you must remember that one ?

Leigh Wieland-Boys… May & Headley Storkey ran it with their sons Brian & Ronnie(?) – they also owned The Bexhill Club across the road.

Bob Shoesmith… Shunters was in Terminus Rd (it’s an auction house now I think) – pretty sleazy!

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Diane Stephenson Flyright Records Bexhill 1977

Leigh Mitchell… I have a Flyright record!

Alan Esdaile… I’ve probably got the same one Leigh!

David Boss… A great record shop . In the 70s l bought heaps of 50s Rockabilly records here. These guys turned me on to Ray Campi, Charlie Feathers etc . I still play these records today and love them.

Dave Nattress… I remember Diane and Flyright very well as too a young Mr Pack. Always in there buying stuff – a great shop! A nice lady and a touch of the Glam about her!

Terry Pack… I worked in the shop and the import/export business from the age of 14 on. Loved it.

Music’s Not Dead – pop up shop – De La Warr Pavilion Bexhill – launch party 7th December 2018

We are delighted to announce that Bexhill’s independent record store Music’s Not Dead will re-open as a “pop-up” at the De La Warr Pavilion on Friday 7 December.

More details…

Jim Breeds… I got the DLWP email about this earlier. That is good news.

Mick O’Dowd… It’s not dead! It’s only resting!


Paine Electrics Top 10 – End May 1971.


Alan Esdaile… Love R. Dean Taylor.

Sheila Maile… Best years of my life young n’ carefree(63 now and knackered)

Andy Qunta… Even though we played Jig-a-Jig with Factory around that time (and still now), I didn’t remember that it was in the Top Ten! I probably didn’t follow the charts too closely then. Fascinating to read now though!

Gary Kinch… Seem to remember jig a jig being on the Fiesta jukebox or maybe in the Anchor. I put loads of money in both. Good days.

Jim Breeds… Surprised to note that I have 5 of those 45s. I must have been flush that week/month. FYI, Nos. 2, 4, 5, 6, 9.

Alan Pepper… Yes I must admit was buying singles then too ! Numbers 3 5 and 10 Double Barrell reminds me of the funfair on the Oval I am the Magnificent !


Paine Electrics – Kings Road, St Leonards-on-Sea


Eric Cawthraw suggested this post.

Eric Cawthraw … I’ve seen the article on local Music Shops. Well, I’ve come up with another one, now long gone. It was Paine Electrics and it was about half way down Kings Road in St. Leonards.

It had an odd selection of LPs – I remember buying ‘Brainticket’ in there. I think the only other people who popped in to buy a copy were Simon Pont and Clive Richardson! Euro Space Rock – and they are still going. They must have just got back to our galaxy….naa noo naa noo.

Anyone got anymore memories and cuttings/photos?

Phil Gill… I bought the first Taste album and Zappa’s Live at the Fillmore there. Young Carey and i were always in there.

Patrick Lewis… Brought several albums there: Barclay James Harvest Live Tapes, Joni Mitchell Blue and Beach Boys 20/20.

Andre Martin… Always had a good selection of records, when they sold out, the back catalogue was really fantastic, bought lots of London American from their old stock.

Mick O’Dowd… Yeah I bought the odd disc in there but there was a second-hand/junk shop(now that’s an oddity) at the bottom that I picked up American imports and first got “Tracks of My Tears” by The Miracles on import even though I had no idea what it was! Snobbery was the name of the game as I used to supply the records at The Grove Road YC and I thought with all these imports I could impress the birds (sorry girls!)

Nick Prince… They also sold televisions and we got our first colour tv from them. It was a 14 inch Grundig portable and cost over £400 around 1976.

John Wilde… I  lived at 8 Kings Rd and often bought Lps from the two guys at Paines. They were a cheerfull pair.

Chris Meachen… Used to cycle there specially from Ore on occasions, then more often once I was at college, & it was conveniently close.. Bought a couple of Gentle Giant albums on my last visit there, but missed it going…

Terry Huggins… Was this company anything to do with Farley Paine who had a shop at the bottom of Castle Hill Road where the car park is now?