photos supplied by Peter Horton
Peter Horton… The pics show a group that we named ” The Flipsides “. This group was formed to perform at The Sidley Fete on Saturday 29th May, 1965. We were formed on Wednesday 7th April, 1965 and we broke up following the gig. The line up was fairly flexible and several people actually came up on stage to play on the day. If anyone can remember who the vocalist was please let me know. During the afternoon we had multiple equipment failure and we never completed the set. Pictures of the audience indicate that they seem to be enjoying themselves.
photo 1 … Tony Bird Lead/Rhythm Guitar LHS, unknown singer vocalist Centre Snap, Phillip Earle Drums RHS, Sue Walden Vocalist Shown just to the left of the right hand window.
photo 2… Tony Bird Lead/Rhythm LHS, Rev Stockdale Lead/Rhythm Centre, Pete Horton Rhythm Guitar RHS.
photo 3… Phillip Earle Drums Unfortunately 2 snaps were taken on top of each other but this is the only other picture of Phil that I have from that day.
Geoff Peckham… Great pictures. Being a Sidley lad at that time, I was probably one of the lads there in thrall.
Phil Earle… Gosh, I’d forgotten this. No idea who the vocalist is. This was the first of many kits I had over the years and was a red sparkle mixture of a Gigster bass drum, Olympic toms, and Gigster snare. Cymbals and hi hats were Zyn and super Zyn. I can even remember I used Premier L sticks bought from Bird Music when they were at the top of Sackville Road. Shame the photo of me was double exposed but hey ho still good to see. Following this group I went on to join The Shrew People which has been mentioned here before. I must look out the photos for the site.
Ian McGilvray… I must have been trying to get some tips from the Band. Believe it I’m in the bottom left hand corner of the second photo. (posing as normal)!
Robert Searle… Can’t miss you mate
Colin Fox… Not THE Tony Bird of Birds Music fame? lol
Gaynor Duke… I was just going to comment that I spotted Mac in the crowd
Ian McGilvray… That’s me Gaynor with My imitation Beatles haircut
Philip Holloway… Can you remember any more about the fete, when the group wasn’t playing? I could ask Tony Bird, but can’t get in the shop. I’m making a Facebook album on Sidley past present.
Nikki Terry… I remember Rev Stockdale, Tony Bird, Dave Easton, Mick Ingram, Stuart Moir, Graham Putland oh loads of names…….
Mark Randall… We recorded our first ever demo at Tony’s 4 track studio
Laura Stockdale… Hey! Revs daughter here, does anyone have any more pictures of my dad?
Peter Millington… Looks like Tony Bird is playing Bass if that’s him on the left hand side?
Robert Searle… Mac bottom left