The GT Strokers – 58 Club Winchelsea Beach – 1967


supplied by Tony Lambert

l to r: Andy Webster (very good rhythm and arranger),  Tony Lambert (now singing ?), Paul Freeman (on his Ludwig drums who was the best drummer around here) Revelle Stockdale (very talented) and  far right Graham Kent (good bassist and arranger).

Tony Lambert…  here is the GT Strokers about April ’67…. 58 club Winchelsea Beach. We had the Friday night spot for a while then took over from King Rod and co. on Saturdays, as they went touring.
This was before the flower power look took hold later in ’67, best time for many that year the summer of love! Bill who ran the 58 club didn’t like our new flower power look so we we left. When we broke up later that year Paul, Rev and i joined King Rod for a while but left and went our own ways. Tried several other bands but didn’t work out, pity because we were progressing very well as the GTS.

Geoff Peckham… I never saw The GT Strokers, but I’d certainly heard of them. A lady my mum knew, Blanche Adams, a retired governess and concert violinist took an interest in my musical progress and helped me buy some equipment. She was also Andy Webster’s landlady, and she introduced me to him as I think he was getting married and was selling some gear. He was really friendly and taught me “My Girl” among other songs. He also sold me the Leeds Chord Dictionary, which I still have! This was around ’68/’69.

Robert Searle… Great to see a picture with Paul Freeman on his Ludwig drums and Rev Stockdale on guitar.

Carol Arnold… aaa, loved the 58 club.

Mark Randall… Where abouts was the 58?

Alan Esdaile… It was behind The Ship Pub, Mark.

Tony Lambert… Paul Freeman’s cousin was Mick Taylor who played with the Stones after Brian Jones left us, so quite a talented family. I always encouraged Paul to go pro, with his talent and connections it could have come about…what a pity he missed out. When the GTS was in the flower power mode we used oil slide projection backgrounds and incense sticks with synchronized flashing lights,which most enjoyed but it was rather too much for some to bear especially at the 58 club !…..we always tried our best to entertain, we tried to learn at least 2 new numbers a week, not easy when doing a full time job.

Colin Fox… Rev Stockdale, Kevin Hoad, Chris Howard, Kate Honey and me when we played in the 80’s as ‘Elite’, at the Fishermens Club Eastbourne. Bob Searle and I used to lodge for a while at Paul Freemans house in the early 70’s in Windmill Hill. We had some great times, (I think), as we were always pissed.


supplied by Colin Fox

Cliff Wootton… I remember a drum kit that dad bought home and put in our music room which had the GT Strokers artwork on the front. I have a picture somewhere which I’ll dig out and post here. I know he worked with Tony around that time so they must have made a deal or swop.