The Cossacks – Eastbourne Rhythm Group early 60’s.

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card supplied by Rob Sargent, photo supplied by Len Smith

Anyone remember this group?

Len Smith… Far right is Ross Holter, next to him on bass is Dave Shaw (before he took up vocals), Terry Saunders, Ian ? and Eric Marshall.

Rob Sargent… Another blast from the past…The Cossacks circa 1960/63 Ross Holter rhythm guitar…Dave Shaw Singer….Rob Sargent drums. Ross can you remember who played lead and bass? First gig The Star Inn, Star Road Eastbourne, then onto greater places like The Pier Hotel Eastbourne and Diplocks Bar!

John Godfrey Gale… Love the telephone number “Eastbourne 640”!!!

Colin Fox… I was told that Dave Shaw played bass. I remember seeing them at Diplocks. I was playing at the Pier Hotel and popped round to Diplocks in our break. We, (the Spooks) poached Dave Shaw who became our singer. When the Spooks folded Dave and I joined 4-Bidden, and later we got a keyboard player from Battle, Chris Kaday. We later changed the name to St Johns Wood, Kaday left and Rod Pittam became our keyboard player.

Lynda Whatley… Such good old days Colin – !

Ross Holter… Original line up Terry Saunders on drums Eric Marshall on lead (Watkins rapier) me on rhythm Dave Shaw bass Neil can’t remember his name singer, he left and Barry Parks sang for us.

Tony Ball… I was aware of the Cossacks but never got to see them.

Tony Shaw and the Neutrons, The 4 Bidden and St Johns Wood business cards.

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All supplied by Rob Sargent

Rob Sargent… Tony Shaw and The Neutrons (Tony Shaw crossed out as when I joined it became just The Neutrons). Shortly after this the name changed again to 4 Bidden and then finally to St Johns Wood. The logo for St Johns Wood was designed by Rodney Pittam, the bands pianist/organ player and he painted it onto the front skin of my bass drum. Rod is still with us running his own successful design company. Bit of background…I am one Eddie Sargent’s younger brothers started playing in the 60s like everyone else and remember all the bands and most of the musicians from this era. Still playing in several bands up here in the Midlands from 60s, blues through to jazz and I’m a partner in running a local Jazz club that puts on acts from across the country. This is great site for people like me to catch up and remember good times from the past whilst hopefully creating some new ones for the future. Keep up the great work.

Alan Esdaile… Here’s a link to Rob’s jazz club…

Colin Fox… Hi Rob, good to hear from you. Rodney also painted the logo on the side of the group van. He now lives in Atlanta, Georgia and came over to Spain to visit us in September 2007. He’s still as nutty as ever.


Rob Sargent… Hi Sedley – good to hear from you and good to know your keeping an eye on us even from foreign shores. Hope you and yours are all ok and hope your still playing and keeping music alive! Rod seem to have ‘made it’ (whatever that is). Hope to hear from Ray and Colin that their alright as well.  The view looks great hope the wine is too! Is that Ross with you???? tell him less of the Grecian 2000 and go au natural!!!

Ray Harper… Great picture Colin, have not seen it before, Ross looking good too

Rob Sargent… Hi Ray how are the carbs doing these days? I remember a loooong conversation in the van one night after practice at the Leaf Hall when everyone wanted to go home (now what type were they twin or single SU or?) Hope your keeping well as I no longer get updates from my brother in law at Russel Motors as he sold it off.

Ross Holter… Hello Rob I’m Ross Holter an old friend of yours from Cavalry Cres. Bought Eddies hofner, roadied for St John’s wood etc nice to hear you are doing well

Rob Sargent… Hi Mooey…glad to hear your still with us and fully functional not likely to forget you! Can I have some of that hair and the colour as mine’s a bit thin on top now. I’ve put up a very old card of ours ‘The Cossacks’ it just need a bit more info about who played bass and lead in the band, (hope your memory is a bit better than mine. Stay out of the sun