The Prisoners – photo 1979

supplied by Dave Nattress

Andy Leaney guitar, Dave Nattress vocals, Mick Bridgeland drums, Robin Heggie bass.

Dave Nattress… After Samisen split, Mick Bridgeland and I teamed up with Andy Leaney and Robin Heggie on bass. We set about writing a set load of post-punk, abrasive, incisive shortish tracks. I don’t think we did any covers. We played quite a few gigs around Hastings as The Prisoners, The Yorkshire Grey, The Yelton, (as was), Chatsworth, and Crypt etc.

Mo Blackford… Thanks Dave for posting. My first real friend and great influence was Robin Heggie. He was a very cool chap, who introduced me to Paul McCartney among other people. He had engineered a couple of Paul’s albums and had previously played bass in The Hollywood Killers. Anyway. we formed my first band in the UK together. Initially called Red Shoes, we changed the name to The Stand (cerca ’82) and did loads of gigs around Hastings. The Stand also included Bernard Jeffrey (Hollywood Killers) on drums and Kevin O’Connor on vocals.  I’ve tried on a number of occasions to locate Robin. Maybe somebody knows something! It would be much appreciated. Cheers!

Alan Esdaile… Does anyone remember The Prisoners and know of the whereabouts of Robin Heggie? I did search but if he is the Robin that lived in Milton Keynes  then not good news. Can anyone help? Could do with some good news.

Mark Gilham… Sorry Alan. Not good news at all. Robin passed away a few years ago now. 🙁

Andy Knight… I didn’t know that, Robin and I played in Missing Persons together I know it is v late but RIP

Mike Mitchell… and whatever happened to Mick Bridgeland? Least I heard he had moved to Amersham…

Martin Richter… sad news about Robin – he was a lovely guy.

Dave Nattress… Sad to have it confirmed about Robin, but I must admit I was thinking the worst. He was a great guy and bass player, lreally looked the part and we all had a frantic and great time getting The Prisoners going. Also, of course, Andy Leaney. Andy and I had a great connection also, smiles on the face as I remember these 2 old friends our fun times going for it, the stupid band names that Andy particularly liked to come up with that we all rejected!! Great sadness and regret that they’ve gone – like so many more on the local scene, and nationally and internationally all connected through the music. So many people who were the bricks in the huge wall that was built up over so many years. Some of the bricks have crumbled away, but then, more are being added all the time.

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Missing Persons – Zodiac Centre 1979 photos by Dave Trodd

all photos © Dave Trodd

Stephen Ritchfield (vocals and writer), Martin Luckhurst (guitar), Robin Heggie (Bass) and Andy Knight (drums) 

Andy Knight… Looked in my diary, the date was Saturday the 18th August 1979 and the PA blew on the first number but obviously was fixed. It looks like one of the first Missing Persons gigs, in fact the first week, we played Six Bells Chiddingly on the Thursday, the Carlisle on Friday supporting Die Laughing and the Ore Centre on the Saturday.

Tim Moose Bruce… Great band. I remember them supporting Die Laughing.

Romaine Fulton-hart… Memories

David Blundell… Uppers On The South Downs!

Dave Nattress…Great band, saw a couple of times and was amazed to see Steve Richfield on vocals. Knocked around with his two sisters – Susan and Clare I think, in a bunch of friends in Bexhill where they all lived – all good clean innocent times and I remember a little blonde haired lad – a few years later he’d grown up and was leading Missing Persons. A long, long time ago. Later doing it myself about the same time we had Robin in The Prisoners and we used to rehearse at Andy’s studio in Fairlight Road. He was local rock royalty even back then.


Mars – featuring Mick Mepham Prom-In-Aid 1986

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photos by Neil Cartwright

Michael Mepham….Wa-heyyyyyy, pix of me that I didn’t have before!!!! Top is Paul Tanner/guitar, Next are, from left, Liane Carroll – keys, Robin Heggie – bass and yours truly – guitar. Next l to r me, Garry Blakely and Steve Cooke – violins and Robin Heggie during the finale, Hands Across The Water. Next – me, Bottom, the late, lamented Michael Bettel – drums and percussion. Lovely chap and a great drummer. Died way too young.

Michael Mepham….Mullets a-gogo! Garry and Steve stepped in to play the string parts as cellist Ian couldn’t make it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t filmed or recorded, as far as I know, as the camera ran out of film before the track. The whole audience sang the chorus and we thought that maybe they’d be able to hear it in Africa. Great gig. Also, as I remember it, the event raised £3000 in the day. Fantastic for Hastings in 1986! Ian Dobson presented most of the bands and Joe Macilvenny not only sang with Better Days but also organized most or all of it. Marvellous memories of that gig.

Liane Carroll….awww….memories!!! x

Alan Esdaile….The photo at the top looks like the mike stand is going through Paul Tanner’s stomach.

Mick Mepham…..A bit like the church lightning rod that falls off the top of the church in the Omen and transfixes the priest ……

Hollywood Killers – Earlydaze 1978


supplied by Jim Penfold

Jim Penfold… Earlydaze’ …..7 track album (inc Goodbye Suicide) by Jim Penfold & The Hollywood Killers . Early recordings from 1978. Available to download on ITunes/cdbaby/amazon etc on Friday Sept 25th. — with Bernard Jeffery, Neil Aplin and Jim Penfold.

Mike Mitchell… Is that Robin Heggy on bass?

Alan Esdaile… Not sure Mike, anyone confirm? Good photo of Min smiling and Bernard Jeffery, Neil Aplin and Jim Penfold.

Dave Nattress… Yes, definitely Robin Heggie on bass – he was in The Prisoners with myself, Mick Bridgeland on Drums and Andy Leaney on Guitar. He left when he was offered the Killers gig.

Dave Nattress… Meant to say about Robin, nice guy and a great solid bass player for one (back then) so young.