supplied by Jon McCallion
Jon McCallion, Steve Demetri, Paul Dove & Steve Kinch.
supplied by Jon McCallion
photos show Jon McCallion, Steve Demetri, Steve Kinch, Iain Cobby, Paul Dove. Also on the seats you can see Ray Medhurst & Sally.
Phil Gill….Executive Hotel I’m sure I was there – would have been about 14 or 15. I was well impressed.
Steve Kinch….That would make me 15 or16 then! We probably sounded awful… but, you know what?.. I t didn’t matter – we were young, doing our best, and we were having fun! Good times
Jon McCallion….Good times with the Steves and Ian. So good .
Pete Fisher….Iain was on bass in my first real band, Black Ash (whose name lots of people made fun of!), with Bernard Jeffery on drums, in 1970….I rigged up my parents radiogram as an amp, and blew the speaker…
Paul Dove….REMEMBER IT ,, great days.