Who remembers wearing the S snake belt?

photo source: unknown

Dennis Torrance… Most of my time growing up

Lloyd Johnson… I do!..I still wear them now and again…

Mike Waghorne… I do ! but cant remember if I had one as a kid !

Wendy Weaver… I think every boy wore one.

Tony Ham… Snake belts, zip up platform boots, flares, tank tops and long hair

Yvonne Ellis… Cool

Jim Breeds… I’m saying nothing, to protect my sharp dresser reputation!

Heather Sidery… I had 3

David Edwards… I thought it was only boys who wore them

Graham Matthews… Oh yes. Are they still made does anyone know ?

Colin Bell… Saw some new on ebay, apparently they are trendy again now!

Graham Matthews… Yes I looked on there straight after this post but don’t think I will get one.

Pete Prescott… I did !

Kevin White… Yep. Had several.

Richard J Porter… I had the dark blue/light blue one. School colours.

John Warner… Had a school one black and amber!

Janet Rennie… Yes I did

Chris Downton… I did too… & loved it

Gary Benton… Wish I still had one.

Alan Esdaile… I can’t remember having belts before this, perhaps it was a piece of string we had!

Colin Gibson… You were lucky to have any trousers to keep up. We had to wear rolls of lino held together with reinforced spaghetti

John Gale… bloody luxury, we had sack cloths sewn together held up by barbed wire from cast off war defences

Tony Court-holmes… trying not to

Dawn… Yes – I had a yellow one – Yuk!

John Wilde… Would love to have one now too.

Colin Bell… loads of new ones for sale on ebay John

John Warner… School one Black and Amber!