Sainsbury’s Cambridge Road Hastings early 70’s

above photos and more from

Steve Fox… Where the abc cinema used to be when I was a child.

Andrew Freeman.. My Mum used to tell the story of how Paul McCartney once got something off the top shelf for her!

Matt Thomas… Had forgotten about the separators

Huggy Leaver… Saturday morning pics , we like to laugh and have a sing song we’re minor’s of the ABC

James Turner… remember it well

Lloyd Johnson… The Ritz….

Debbie Wyatt… Fun shopping on Roller Skates

Kathy Wood… And even though it’s ESK it still has tge Sainbury’s floor tiles

Gary Thomas… I remember going there with my mum on a Saturday just before closing. They didn’t used to open on a Sunday. So people were circling like airplanes over an airport but with shopping trolleys. Then the yellow ticket fun would begin. HALF PRICE BAKERY GOODS! Suddenly the calm atmosphere was filled with trolley people dive bombing the bakery to get to their half priced goods. The funny thing was it was like spot who was here last week. Yep, normally the same people. That was a great memory from Sainos when it was in Cambridge Road.

Pauline Richards… I worked there in the 80s. 9 at night till.7 in the morning!

Ian Johnson… Used to go there with Mum

Martin Curcher… And me when we had the Flat (Beanfeast and Egg Noodles)

Lorna Brazier… I worked there in 82, and left in 83

Jane Freund… I went into labour in this shop, in 1988! Finished the shopping too

Martin Curcher… My first job was working in the Fruit and Veg section in 1981/82. The supervisor was an older lady called Meg

Angela Frances Gardner… Replaced the ABC cinema

Karen Brooker… Used to shop here, it’s ESK now

Jane Kirkham… I worked there when it first opened.

Linda Hollands… Got most of my fruit and veg from green grocers next door to Sainsburys

Anthony Kingsman… Still the same tills and belts i think in the store

Mandy Taylor… I remember those days! Shopping with my nan..

Janette Morfey… If my memory serves me right, it was mid 70’s that it opened. ??

Alan Esdaile… August 74 Janette.

Steve Thorpe… Was it the Co-op before ESK?

Tony Court-holmes… I remember the minors

Lynda Coleman Westlake… Jane, I worked in the old one where nationwide is now lol xxx



Who remembers Sainsbury’s in Wellington Place Hastings? (store photo is Peckham branch)

photo: Sainsbury Archive

Tony Court-holmes… early 50s? Nationwide is there now i wonder if the tiles are covered up behind the new walls

Jacky Mattelaer… I remember it like this in the 60’s, my Gran used to take me in there. I was fascinated by the way they rolled the butter on the marble counters. Great memories

Pauline Sims… Me too Jacky. I can just about remember the smell too when you walked in, mostly bacon – mouthwatering

Judy Atkinson… Not Wellington Place, that was later. This was the original shop in Castle Street where Nationwide is now. Remember going in there with my mum (early 60s) & buying bacon & butter. Beautiful mosaics & marble counters

Patrick Lewis… Remember it well from late 50’s into the60’s. Gala pie and patted butter.

Jackie Hersee… I remember it

Virginia Davis… I remember it from mid to late 60s like this

Gary Benton… I loved going to Sainsburys as a kid, the wonderful smell of cheese and smoked bacon as you walked in, the professional smart looking staff in their uniforms. Why did we ever loose amazing shops like this? I suppose its what they call progress, its very sad.

Claire Hamill… Oh wow! How could anyone get rid of something so glorious? Just think what the centre of Hastings would look like if we could have held on to those beautiful oldshops? And facades? Criminal decisions!

Bernard Goffredo… Definitely agree on that

Dave Boutwood… Yes, I (Wendy) worked there (Hastings branch) with my friend Kate. Must have been 1965-66. We worked Fri evening, after school for late night shopping and all day Sat. That photo brings back memories, we loved it there and had fun. Also, with our white overall, we had to wear a white headscarf (tied like Hilda Ogden’s), which was a bit embarrassing for us teenage girls!!! 😂😂😂 Great photo. Wendy xxx

Lesley Bowles… Dave, Wen, I remember all the lovely tiles and the great smell in there! Xx

Yvonne Cleland… Oh yes, exactly like my memories. My mum used to take me here when I was a toddler. How lovely to see it again!

Roy Marven formely Syrett… remember going with my nan to order her xmas turkey

Martin Richter… and not a self-serve checkout in sight

Peter Bridger… Oh yes, loved the tiles, and smell of raw meat, strangely!

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Sainsburys Wellington Place Hastings closing 1974 – Walter Turrell

supplied by Leigh Kennedy

Leigh Kennedy… District Manager Walter Turrell visits the Wellington Place branch shortly before its closure in 1974.

Phil Gill… “Quarter pound of ham please and here’s your P45.”

Alan Esdaile… I can still remember the smell of the shop.

Kevin Sherwood… They used to do the best individual steak and kidney puddings ever.

Nick Webb… I remember those days loved the pay desk at the far end .

Andy Qunta… Remember it well!

Jane Collins… Remember this well!

Pauline Sims… They made the best liver sausage ever!

Fred Marsh… Loved it although I can only just remember it

Jacky Siffleet… Sawdust on the floor

Tracy Birrell… Remember going in there with my Mum.

Sainsbury’s Cambridge Road Hastings August 1974

James Read… Got a lot of memories from working there over a four year period 80 – 84.

Jonathan Rudd… Ben, too

Sheila Maile… Used it all the time when we lived in town till it closed

John Gale… Started shopping there regularly in 1987 and still shop with them regularly now… Home delivery once a week, very reliable

Andy Coleman… I remember the old one, I think Nationwide is there now, used to go with my Gran to help her with the shopping. Individual counters where you asked for what you wanted and given it in bags.

Nadia Compagnone… I remember all the staff being dressed in very clean white overalls and everything being behind glass counters. No helping yourself off shelves.

Angela Frances Gardner… This makes me feel sad as I went to meet my mother there on December 7th 1983 not knowing that she had died the evening before , I found out an hour after I had gone to meet her.

Gill Harrod… Look at those opening hours – closed Sunday AND Mondays! And special late night shopping to 8pm Thursday and Friday! When people who worked in retail could have a life!

Ian Johnson… Should bring back the opening hours for the staff

Cris Kennard… I worked in Sainsbury’s Cambridge Rd prior to its opening in the 70’s to the public we had a tour of the building and basement areas. After opening we could buy any out of date food for a pittance as long as some cash went through the tills at end of shift.

Lorna Brazier… I used to work there back in 82.

Dawn… My mum used to be a Tesco fan but when Sainsburys opened she was drawn there instead, especially as the bus stop was right outside!