Saturdays Discotheque & opening night 1975 – George Street Hastings


supplied by Hugh Beeching

Martin Richter…. saturdays

Clare Bennett… I remember dancing a lot in Scalliwags

Jules Stretton… Hastings seafront my parents used to party there ! X

John Storer… Definitely Saturdays …. we had our joint Stag & Hen night there in August 79

Yvonne Cleland… Reminds me of Bonitas or Aquarius…

Margaret Fletcher… Not Saturday

Rilka Brignall… Looks like saturdays to me

Peter Millington… Could that be Chris Glazier spinning plastic – Scalliwags perhaps?

Kevin Burchett… its definitly not scalliwags its saturdays

Alan Esdaile…  Thinking now this could be Aquarius which was what Saturday’s was called previously in the 70’s.

Kevin Burchett… Its Saturdays because of the lights no one had lights like that in Hastings then or now

Phil Gill… Could be the one at the back of Wellington Square that’s now a curry house.  It was always too loud for meaningful conversation, so I just used to listen to the music. If you listen carefully, you can spot the little disco funk references Steve and I worked into some of the Stallion songs. It’s very subtle, but it’s there. We were very cheeky. Well, two that spring to mind…listen to the bass and drums on Arsony in the UK, which is basically sped up disco funk followed by a 50s doo wop chorus. And on the live version of Cobra, we referenced Oops Upside Your Head.

Alan Esdaile… Was the club in Wellington Square called Courtneys?


Supplied by…. Leigh Wieland-Boys via Kevin Burchett

Kevin Burchett… heres another pic from the opposition Saturdays lol.its a promo pic from the 1975 opening. with the lovely Leigh Wieland-Boys

Peter Millington… I recognise the waitress – anyone know her name?

Leigh Wieland-Boys….It’s me Peter! Lx

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Samantha Fox – Saturdays Night Club around 1986


photo Keith Tooke

Peter Pursglove… I remember that

Tony Qunta… What hand?!

Pete Shaw… Can’t see either hand…still focusing….ayah…no..that’s not a hand…let me check again….well….I’ll try again later…mmm

Alan Esdaile… She does not look very happy.

Sarah Harvey… Knowing how big Sam Fox was in those days, whoever’s hand that is must have the biggest hands ever!

Monica Bane… Remember her eyeing up my son in Earls Court, he was doing the advert for Lee Cooper Jeans !

Tony Court-holmes… what a fine looking young lady

Jez… My Friends Dane and Dave and I went to Sam’s place back in the middle 80’s (Maybe even ’86). Went there by Cab from ‘Sarf’ London and I don’t think we even went in the club once we realised that we wouldn’t get to see Sam. Cost us a small fortune!

Malcolm McDonald… I took one that night, for this girl. She asked me to get her photo, so stood on side of the booth, said,Sam, she turned round, smiled and got one…

Stuart Moir… Travelled to London “Val Bonn Studios” with Ray Fenwick to do backing vocals for one of her records, Colin Fox was chatting her up and said she wouldn’t have to change her name if she married him

Colin Fox… Stu, I didn’t chat her up, Ray wanted me to make her laugh as she was nervous.



Goodbye Saturdays and Aquarius clubs George Street Hastings

photos taken 2nd June 2023

Wendy Weaver… Just the latest in a long line of buidings that caught fire conveniently.

Graham Sherrington… yes just in time to build some more Luxury flats!!!

Wendy Weaver… Of course.Follow the money and the long pockets.

Reg Wood… Sad to see. Lot’s of memories there.

Leigh Mitchell… So sad, I spent many nights there from 1971 until mid 1980s, either working (glass collector in 1971 & waitress/bar mid 70s) and lots of fab times dancing the night away to disco music & live bands from The Sweet to Haircut 100

Saturdays Night Club George Street, Hastings – door staff

photo © Andrew Sargent

Denny Flangan, Andy Sargent, Jim Green.

Stuart Moir… Denny was a good doorman

Pauline Richards… I remember Denny and is that Andy Sargent who used to work for the council?

Linda O’leary… I use to work in the cloakroom Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays Denny was head doorman, Jim Green must be in his 80s now

Jacquie Hinves… Great days . Xx

Kevin Burchett… Saw Jim Green the other week he’s ok

Judy Atkinson… I remember Jim when he worked at Scalliwags

Mick O’Dowd… Middle one looks like Noel Edmonds!