Hello – Hastings Pier 11th January 1975


Andre Palfrey-martin collection

Yvonne Cleland…..Thanks Andre! I was at the front for this one!  Still young and foolish and I thought the lead singer was cute. I now realise he was a strutting little peacock hahaha  

Patrick Lewis… I was at the Barclay James gig at end of Jan 75. They were truly awesome ( to use an overused present day adjective). The opener was Medicine Man; quite stunning! Probably one of the most underrated British bands of the era.

Chris Meachen… Went backstage at the end of the Lindisfarne gig to find them standing in the corridor, with a roadie booting ineffectively at the door of their dressing room, they having locked themselves out.. I moved the roadie aside, then took a flying leap, bursting the door open.. That earned me, & the other volunteer stage hands a crate of Newcastle brown.. These were a great bunch of blokes, & very entertaining, on stage & off…

Peter Fairless… No, New York Groove is too soon, Alan. They didn’t release that for the best part of another year. The hit at the time was their version of ‘Tell Him’…

Alan Esdaile… Oops! They had a few hits and were great live. I did interview the lead singer with some questions set by Melody Maker.

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Michael Wilson…  ‘Back in the Hastings Groove!’

Dave Weeks… Blimey. I went to that one. God knows why!!!

Gary Kinch… Think I gave that one a miss, no regrets ……went to the Lindisfarne gig on the 17th though. It would have been my 18th birthday weekend. Lindisfarne on Friday, Birthday Sunday.


Dubious Connections – 1979 photo by Chris Meachen

1385864_10201636236861973_1460437997_nphoto by Chris Meachen

Mick Mepham…..Farid Seddiki (hope it’s the right spelling) on drums but don’t know anyone else except Min.

Martin Blackman….I think it’s an old friend of mine called Alamo Leal, a Brazilian guy who used to live in Hastings in the 70’s good blues player now back living in Brazil

John Wilde….Yep Martin it is in fact Alamo Leal. Spoke with him last week. He is doing very well and playing constanly.

Glenn Piper….Wow, thanks for clearing that up for me John.

Alamo Leal….My first ever band in Hastings, 1979. We called Dubious Connections, and the name was spot on. We were quite a mixed connection. Freddie(from Marroco) on drums; Min on sax; we had Paul”The Viscount” Gumble on guitar there on the right , and Big Roy, behind Min, on bass. If I’m not mistaken, this one was taken at the Etchingham Arms, when we supported Tiche’s band, The Roaring 80’s. We were doing some straight Chuck Berry and Chicago Blues stuff. Love it ! It was the night Jeff Beck turned up, cause he lived nr by the Pub, and after the gig we took him to Tiche’s party at the small cottage in the Fairlight Green wher he lived with Judy, maybe her birthday or something like that.  John Wilde was there with us. He’s got some funny memories from that night.

Andy Qunta… I miss Min!

Tony Qunta… Yes Min was a one off!