Paul Burnett Radio One Show – Hastings Pier 17th June 1978

Ian Mantel… Loved the wrestling at the Pier and White Rock Pavilion as a kid

Martin Richter… met peter powell – my girlfriend had to rescue me !

John Austin… Got up on stage with Peter Powell, invited me up to Radio 1 the following week to be on his Saturday morning show !

Jane Hartley… Peter Powell also did a show in Bonita’s

Charity Disco Dancing competition – Saturdays Discotheque George Street Hastings 3rd May 1979

Martin Richter… Goodhew’s days ? the guy on the right looks familiar ?

Jim Breeds… I doubt I was there. I’d started working in London the previous January and stayed in my flat most nights drinking cocoa.

Matt Thomas… I would have loved to have been old enough to go clubbing around this time

Julie Findlay-jones… I was probably there with your sister.x

Julie Morris… Happy times!

Patricia Wapshott… I was there ! The best of times

Julie Morris… Dawn, apologies if I’m wrong but is that by any chance you in the background?! I’m pretty sure my old school friend Sue is next to you – or I may just be getting old!

Dawn Leaney… Well it could be Julie? Although I think my hair was longer around that time and I don’t recall that dress? If it is I’m sure o would of had a few dubonnet and lemonades!

Kev Perry… I was in that

Perri Ann Haste…  I was there – Great evening, think I was drinking Martini & lemonade then! – those were the days!

Martin Richter… taking a punt (and I could be *very* wrong) – I think the guy is Martyn Wong ?

Paul Bryant… I think you could be right Martin,he was a fantastic

Matt Thomas… Ron & Joyce my old dance teachers from above FADS in Queens Rd

Leigh Wieland-Boys… oh my that brought back a memory, my friend & I had Saturday
Night Fever dance lessons with Ron & Joyce above FADS!!!

Annika Banfield… Ooh, I was dancing in that competition. Sweet memories

Adlehied Hoohaa Welsh… I would love to know who these two are.? Anyone?

Alan Esdaile… In the write up it says the winners are Lorraine Burkes and Simon Ginsberg but a couple of people think it could be Martyn Wong?

Sara Mcdonald Kingham… I was going to say i think its Martyn Wong

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Scalliwags – a place to enjoy life! 24th May 1975

Pete Fisher… omg…can’t believe we all used to drink Watney’s and all that other mass-produced chemical soup…

Tony Court-holmes… Holstien Pils for me then

Phil Gill… A place to get of your trolley when the pubs shut at 11 more like.

Barry Newton… Had a few good nights in there, happy days

Trevor Jones… Barry, me too mate.

Emperor Rosko – Hastings Pier 9th July 1976

Peter Fairless… ‘R’ to the ‘O’ to the ‘S’ to the ‘K’ to the ‘O’…

Tony Davis… When I worked at the Aquarius the Radio One Club with Rosko, came there. I was on the radio as part of the panel reviewing new releases. He is a nice guy, unlike DLT who I also met at The Aquarius on a different night

Marky Heselwood… You can hear Emperor Rosko on CHR Conquest Hospital Radio on Saturday Morning 12am till 2am. And Monday 12am till 2am

Lynne Smith… I remember DLT coming to the Aquarius

Alan Esdaile… I used to book DLT all over the country from a garden shed in Emmanuel Road!

Mick O’Dowd… Used to love “The Emperor”. His ad tune was a take on Jamo Thomas’s “I Spy For The F.B.I” which he altered to “Rosko For The F.B.I.” Played some good music as well.