Thanks to Peter Fairless for finding this. Photo source: HBC Hastings Museum
Peter Fairless… A long, long time ago… I just shared this because it brought back the memory of Saturday afternoons in the town centre – and it made me want a Duncan Fosters sausage roll!
Alan Esdaile… Excellent photo. Well you had records in Woolworth and Stylus Records was through the underpass, over the road from the bakers. Remember the sausage rolls and the cream cakes, tempted a couple of times a week or maybe more!
Jan Warren… Oh yes, lovely to see this!! – I remember the toilets and the bus shelter too! – at least The Carlisle Pub is still there!!
Jane Hartley… Acres the Bakers were much better, of course, I am biased as I worked there!
Mick Bacon… a photo I took just before they changed the side entrance.
Peter Fairless… Oh, that’s a bit sad, Mick. Still, good to have a record. It may matter to someone, one day!
Mike Curtis… And they had the first escalator I’d ever seen.