sixties films
Doctor Zhivago Film – Curzon Cinema St Leonards-on-Sea 9th May 1968
JS Bythesea… A great film
Monica Bane… One of my favourite films, with my darling husband!
Judy Atkinson… One of my favourites too, and the music is sublime. Anyone else read the original book?
Brigitte Lee… Judy, I have read it. Love the film and the music.
Judy Atkinson… I read a sequel novel a couple of years ago “Lara’s Child”, about what might have happened to her and Yuri’s baby after she disappeared. The most heartbreaking, dreary & depressing book I’ve ever read
Judith Monk… I went to every showing of this at the Curzon at that time. I wore a long string of beads the first night which broke as I twisted them with the tension and total immersion into the film….the cinema had a raked floor and these beads went pinging in all directions…people were slipping on them as I left red faced….but it is my favourite film.
Margaret Trowell… Loved it…I was still at school but Julie Christie was an old girl of the school so had to see it ….. countless times now
Nicola Dobson… Yes she was…regarding Dr Zhivago..they filmed some if it at Fairlight snd we went there after they left and found many things from the film on the beach. My parents took some half barrels for planters, we had them for years in the garden, dad painted them black and white
Malcolm McDonald… my nan adored Omar Shariff…which wouldve made him a toy boy anyway..
Tracy Birrell… I remember watching this at the Curzon.
Kate Recknell-Page… I went to see it at The Odeon at Hounslow West when it was first released – so long ago but Omar Sharif was a real heartthrob at the time x