Summer Special – Ritz, Smokestack Lightning, DC Disco – Falaise Hall 30th June 1978

supplied by Smokestack Lightning Facebook page

Mike Mitchell… You don’t see an apostrophe at the front of the word phone these days. Oh how standards have slipped

Neil Partrick… Yes and a “disc jockey” too. Great poster.


Smokestack Lightning – Priory Road School Dance Hastings Caves – 12th May 1978


all photos supplied by Teenbeats Facebook Page


supplied by John Gale

and with The Adults on the 13th May supplied by John Gale

John Gale… A little report I found today from the Priory Rd News school paper, this would have been 12th May 1978. Smoke Stack Lightning playing their now infamous gig down St Clements Caves, what a sweaty night that was, happy days

Steve Fox… Nice find!

Glenn Piper… Must be more than 40 years as the school ceased in about 1974 when it became a comprehensive

Pete Fairless…  It didn’t become a comp. until about ’79 or ’80

Graham Marriott… Wonderful acoustics for mobile disco in them caves 1980’s

Jim Breeds… They didn’t do things like this in my days at HSSB.

Chris Boorman… All those years ago. And Smokestack still have the same lineup as those 2 gigs. Mainly because they can’t find another drummer who will put up with the others in the band

Steve Sampson… Noggins Deluxe Disco … those were the days

Jason Dicker… Paul Rogers on base ?

John Gale… Exactly 46 years ago to the day . It was drummer Chris Boorman’s  17th birthday. Happy birthday again Tif . The disco on the night was DC Disco, supporting band were Ixtlyn . I remember SSL used alot of  Ken’s brothers gear for the night The next day they played Tackleway Hall , supported by The Adults and Noggins legendary deluxe disco. Crazy night that was

Ken Copsey… John, Bert 46 years later playing the same Travis Bean guitar. That was the only thing we borrowed that night and it was recently very kindly given to Bert by my friend Oisin Little  who had been its guardian ever since he resurrected it a number of years ago. I think we’d better start rehearsing for the 50th anniversary!

Ken Copsey… Still at it last night playing bass with The Steve Hooker. Support from Mick Bacon and David Stevens in Norwich.

Smokestack Lightning & The Negative Earth Band. Hillcrest School. 8th Dec 1978




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supplied by Mike Mitchell. 

with Brett Taylor, Allen Blackford, Gary Bryant and Adrian Smith.

Martin Richter… name & shame? is that Dave Blackman & Eddie Mays?

Peter Fairless… Oh, now that’s fantastic! I think this was The Teenbeats’ first gig, too!

Mark Syrett… Saw Smokestack at Tackleway youth club at about the same time. Dave looks so young rip.

Mick O’Dowd… Good band.

Mick Mitchell… I remember there gig well. Lots of very exuberant to!punks and skins

supplied by Ken Copsey



Smokestack Lightning – The Carlisle Hastings 21st November 1978

supplied by Ken Copsey

Ken Copsey… I came across this earlier today – just over 40 years ago to the day. I can’t recall a great deal about this gig – can you?

Mick O’Dowd… This was one of mine. Can’t find in my archives but i’m sure I was bullied into this by one of their Dad’s who worked at The Hastings Observer. I’m glad he beat me down because they were an excellent young band and I expected them to go far. Maybe they were a bit too young at that time.

Pete Fairless… Well, they’re still going, you can’t beat that Mick!

Alan Esdaile… 80p was an odd price

Mick O’Dowd… All I could afford at the time. That by the way was the bands fee!

Smokestack Lightning – Tackleway Hall 13th May 1978

68067_10151377580655555_2082844928_nsupplied by Teenbeats Facebook Page

Ken Copsey…..Flyer from the legendary gig where Adults singer Jeb (also part time Teenbeats van driver) smashed up a Burns Sonic.The Adults also featured Dave Blackman on drums and Eddie Mays on bass. Andy Leaney was on guitar.Smokestack Lightning featured Ken Copsey on guitar.Huggy was at the gig, so you had four fifths of the Teenbeats present.This was definitely one of Eddie May’s designs and who could forget Noggins Deluxe Disco.

Noel Noggin… Noggins Delux Disco is still in existence, although it’s now called Zeehound and lives in mid Wales. Same DJ same great tunes. 🙂

Peter Fairless… …and Smokestack Lightning will be on tour again this summer!

Mick O’Dowd… I  really liked this band because one of their Dads’ told me to but I actually did like them!

Mark Syrett… The first time I met Steve Mepham and Craig Marsh.


Headlights, Smokestack Lightning & The Executives – Hastings Pier 23rd Sept 1978



poster supplied by Mick Mepham,  ad supplied by Sarah Harvey


The Executives supplied by Mick O’Dowd,

Flyer supplied by Lynn Gale

Alan Esdaile…. Mick O’Dowd promotion

Mick O’Dowd… Headlights were a brilliant band and I had already promoted them at The Caves( Those were the days!) and was so impressed that I put them on my first Pier Gig. Does anybody have any info or pics of them? I thought they could have gone on to greater things as did another of my promotions, Smeggy & The Cheesey Bits who morphed into King Kurt!

James Sadia… One pound!! blinkin extortion!

Chris Boorman… Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated!

Mick O’Dowd… I  know how to rip-’em-off James!

Gavin Martin… Executives- not the Roy Carr (untaggable) band?

Lynn Gale… Hubby dug the above flyer out

Mick O’Dowd… The Executives were a Brighton based band. I believe they were signed to the Attrix label.

John Gale… 42 years ago today, along with an extract taken from my 1978 diary. It’s been edited for bad language. In the afternoon I went down to Tiffer’s House and helped load SSL’s equipment onto the pier for the gig tonight. Arrived with Executives but Headlights didn’t arrive until later.  Executives went down really well. Smokestack were brilliant though. Steaming through their set of covers. Tiffer drumming like Keith Moon (who died recently), I lost my voice from singing along, didn’t see Headlights play, was a great night “

Ken Copsey… I guess we still owe you your roadie fee and highly partisan review!

Die Laughing Hat Trick & Smokestack Lightning – Falaise Hall 1978


supplied by Mick Mepham

Mick O’Dowd….Labrath Roadshow I used quite alot on my gigs. Anybody know what happened to Steve who was always very helpful on gigs. Remember Smokestack Lightning they were quite a good band.

Chris Meachen….This gig was put on by Chris Rudge. I was on the door, I seem to remember I was technically the bouncer, though the only bouncing done was on the dancefloor…