Spam – 80 years old – who remembers having it?

Dennis Torrance… Had spam growing up quite liked it think it was the yanks during the war that brought it over here

Tim Moose Bruce… I thought it was those bloody vikings…

Martin Curcher… Heart Attack in a Tin !

Anne Gower… Happy birthday spam

Andre Martin… Saved this country during WW2 could be used for all roles not just food, used in trench walls, bomb shelters etc – Hah Hah. But its more modern produce in the 90s was great in ration packs.And many that were brought up on spam fritters are still here today and in reasonable health !!

Peter Fairless… Spam fritters were on the menu well into the ’70s. I may buy a tin, later, just to reminisce…

Andre Martin… I used to love spam and tomato sandwiches for lunch. And of course the ultimate would be span fritters, baked beans, chips and fried egg for tea.

Mark Gilham… Spam song Monty Python still funny.

Dave Nattress… I used to have SPAM as a kid. We knew how to live. I had heard long ago that SPAM was an acronym for something so I’ve looked it up. Apparently SPAM is an acronym for Special Processed American Meat.

Judie Struys… My worst nightmare. Especially spam fritters 😰

Jim Breeds… Wot we bought in New York a few years ago. BBE Jan 2008, but we were never going to open it.