The Spirit Of Radio Caroline – Kevin Carlyon

Radio Caroline was the first and last ‘pirate’ radio ship broadcasting from the International Waters of the North Sea from 1964 to 1990. Their first ship, the Mi Amigo sank in vicious weather in 1980. They returned in 1983 from the ex Icelandic trawler The Ross Revenge and broadcast until 1990 when the ship run aground on the Goodwin Sands. The ship was refloated and impounded by the Dover Port Authority. Fans raised the money to purchase the ship and it now broadcasts legally every now and again on one month Restricted Service Licenses from its anchorage in Rochester.

Caroline also broadcasts legally on satellite as well as on the internet at

DJs aboard the Ross Revenge have all at some stage reported strange phenomena so here comes Kev the Witch!

Johnny Mason comments..My favourite dj of that era was Johnnie Walker, this will bring back a few memories