Anyone remember seeing Violet Brown Decision?
photo supplied by David Paterson. (before Dave Smith joined)
supplied by David Paterson
Dave Smith… I was in Violet Brown’s Decision. A Mecca band no tamla.?
Matt Carter… In reply to David Smith, Dave, my father in law was also in, Geoff Wigley?
Dave Paterson… Hi Dave, I was the drummer
Dave Smith… I knew that
Dave Paterson… The above coloured photo features Dave Smith at the far right and was taken back stage at the Lyceum Ballroom in the Strand. The other was just flyers we had made. Sadly there are only two of us left from the original VBD me and the lead singer Dave Seaton.
Jon Camp… I was in the band too!!!
Lyn… What happened to Paul Bennett and Trevor Brown.
Dave Smith… Lost contact with Trev
Sue Seward… Sue Seward (nee Thomas) I knew the boys well in the sixties. Used to sit in to practice nights in Trevor’s mums (Violet Browns) sitting room in Southbrook Rd, Lee. Then was also at all their regular Sunday night gigs at The Dutch House, on Sidcup Rd, enjoying their great renditions of The Four Seasons classics. (some of the most memorable times of my life). I would love to have an update on the boys, especially Trevor (who I dated for a while), Dave and Paul. I still have an original flyer with the Seaton- Paul Management details on the reverse
James Woodhead… Sadly, my grandfather Trevor Brown passed away in 2001 after contracting pneumonia during treatment for asbestosis.
Deborah Ford… (in reply to Lyn) Sadly, both Paul and Trev passed away. Trev, my stepdad, in March 2002. And Paul a few months after. Dave Pattison, my mum Marlene said to say hello. She’s sorry she lost touch after Trev passed. She’s now living in Spain. It was her that found this site but she couldn’t find how to respond.