all photos © Nick Webb
Iain Cobby, Paul Durrant, Mike Kemp. 3rd photo unknown venue
Phil Gill… Iain sold me that Fender Precision bass in 1976. I still have it.
Di Veness… Remembering Ruth too.
Iain Cobby… Wow! not seen these before! Many thanks to Nick for showing them. I do remember the rehearsals with the guys. we waz great ! Sound City and a 70’s Fender from Mullet Smiths …. after al these years and many Alembics, Stingrays , Manson’s and Ric’s I finally went out and bought a Fender Precision last month …… great gear!.
Tony, Mick, Paul & Ruth and Dave and not forgetting the most outrageous roadies Nick and Richard, bless you & love you all! ps I think the 3d photo is under B and S shop in Bexhill?
Dave Nattress… Fantastic – Iain and Paul I went to college with, same classes in construction studies, and Mick was also in construction but a different year or class. Became great mates and I later joined Damaris. I recall Iain’s Fender before he got the Ricky and the Sound City stack. Not sure who owned the Simms-Watts gear, I only recall Tony’s Vox AC30.
Best wishes all and to Nick Webb. Its been a long time.
Paul Durrant… Yes really great to see these pics Nick! I think Iain’s right that the third pic is the Bexhill shop basement, I think it was later lined with old mattresses for sound proofing. The Nissan hut on Wishing Tree Road was where it all started though, Mick arranged it I think. The black painted speakers were built by my work pals at Hammonds on Ponswood – they weighed a ton. Yes likewise Iain and David – Alan has my email address if you ever want to get in touch – one of these days I’ll be down from Scotland for a coffee meet. Always remember those Hastings College days too – including going on a site visit to Brighton Marina when it was being built, all wearing outrageous platform shoes, totally unsuitable for ladder climbing! We drove over in Iain’s MG.
Dave Nattress… Nice one Iain. Yes I recall so well the B & S rehearsal studio in Bexhill and the dodgy old bed-mattresses used for sound absorption/insulation and the grumpy old fella upstairs in the flat above the shop. Love and best wishes to all the guys and special love in Ruth’s memory. Much rock and roll hardship after a gig, unloading gear, humping all the cabs. through the shop and down the narrow rickety stairs. And BW to Nick and Richard also. Must get in to SMART next and hopefully see you, Nick and whoever. Pics. are (somewhat naturally), just as I recall everyone/everything. Lionel’s/hair/clothes/gear. Great days, great to have done.
Iain Cobby… Thanks Dave!
Hi Phil, Lot ot rubbish talked about pre CBS stuff , but it was a fab bass (and I’m sure still is). I loved that bass but had to sell as I had borrowed the money for a new Ric 4001 from my dad. Had to drive my mini to London to get it and got stopped by the Met who were in pursuit of a felon ! ended up getting a cab to Fender Sound House where I bought it ( I don’t remember getting back to Hastings!) hazy days!