Nutz – Hastings Pier 30th April 1977





all cuttings supplied by Sarah Harvey

Ticket supplied by Peter Houghton

Bizarre billing for the original support!

Sarah Harvey……Nutz first appearance on 30th April 1977 plus Stephen Turner’s preview of the gig. Also a quick return 3 months later on July 16th. Note the forthcoming gig with Head On and Steppin’ Out on the following Thursday.

Alan Esdaile… The lead singer Dave Lloyd was the voice of .. only the crumbliest flakiest chocolate ad.

Pete Prescott… Although I still lived in north Kent I visited Hastings that weekend and went to this gig.

Dave Weeks… Nutz. Yes I was one of the very few there. Good night though and good fun band.

Steppin’ Out – Archery Tavern Christmas Eve 1977


supplied by Paul Dengate

Paul Dengate…. I’ve checked through my diaries and I reckon this was taken at the Steppin’ Out “party night” at the Archery, Eastbourne, 24th December 1977. Used to do the sound for the band, but this was probably a special party-piece. L-R: Wesley Magoogan, Ray Fenwick, Paul Dengate, Martyn Baker, Roger Hubbard. Drummer is possibly Andy Knight.or Kevin Hoad.

Andy Qunta… Great band!

Nigel Ford… Was Tich Turner in Steppin’ Out at some point,…soon after he left Stallion, I seem to remember?

Alan Esdaile.. Yes your right Nigel. Here’s a press photo from 1977…


John Wilde… One word. Hair.

Wesley Magoogan… Serious flairs!

Martyn Baker… Yeah, nice pair of lionels Wesley but I think if there was a biscuit around then Paul would have taken it.

Paul Dengate… Yes.

Dave Nattress… Samisen played the Archery Tavern once when I was with them – mid-week I think and If I remember correctly it was one of those gigs where the unappreciative audience had just about made double figures.

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Stepping Out – Wittersham Village Hall 19th August 1977

supplied by Paul Dengate

Paul Dengate… Another poster from 1977. I must have been there to get the poster, but I have no mention of it in my diary even though I was doing the sound for Stepping Out at the time (e.g. on the Pier the following week).

Conan Howard… was this band Stepping Out not later to become Felix with Wesley Magoogan and Roger Carey etc?

Martyn Baker… Well… I was in the band, and must have played this one…. I have no recollection of the gig though! But Felix were before Steppin’ Out.

Wesley Magoogan… I left Felix and joined Stepping Out which led to the Roaring Eighties.

Martin Stringer… Great band and a very talented young bass player. Guess who.

Wesley Magoogan… My favourite track we played was ‘Hand Jive’

Martin Stringer… Well Wesley you were fecking brilliant. I was and am so proud to have been in the same band as you. I wrote a song you made it.

Ernest Ballard… Didt Felix become Aircraft. I joined that band with Will Thompson and Mick Tanner. Drew on bass and his girlfriend Lynn both from London on piano.

Wesley Magoogan… That is correct Ernie.


Stallion, Steppin’ Out and Damaris Hastings Pier 15th January 1977

supplied by Sarah Harvey


bell records slik


Paul Durrant…..Wow – amazing to see all this Sarah – thanks so much for posting – I played keyboards for Damaris – also great to see so many familiar names and faces that I never seem to see when I’m in Hastings (I live in Scotland now) – it reminded me of the night that Stallion won the Melody Maker Contest in London…..


supplied by Jules Carter

Phil Gill…..And here’s the poster from the Stallion gig as it looks in my dining room. Pic stolen from Jules Carter’s Facebook collection, but he took in my house and it’s my poster, so….And I can’t be bothered to get up off the sofa and walk to the dining room to take my own picture.

Paul Durrant….The pier gigs line up for Damaris was Mick Kemp – Drums, Tony Barraclough – Guitar, Iain Cobby – Bass, Paul Durrant – Keyboards and Dave Nattress – vocals.

Dave Nattress….Stumbled into this website after years on and off trying to backtrack the good times of Hastings Rock. I feel thrilled to see Damaris and references to my old band-mates, Paul Durrant, Iain Cobby, Mick Kemp, Tony Barraclough. We had some great gigs on the pier including supporting Stallion several times – they were something else and John Wilde – what a vocalist. We were in the Melody Maker Rock Contest the same year Stallion rightfully won it. I remember well the heat at Sussex University. Great to brag about that one and the pier of course. Astonished to see so much of the old stuff posted. To all of you who have helped this along – really well done. You’ve made an old man really happy!!!

Steppin’ Out – Dance Dance Dance & Hurt Again 1976


Dubbed from an old cassette, (Originally recorded in 1976 – Hastings).

Written by Martin Stringer arr. Steppin’ Out.

VOX – Martin Stringer, VOX – Tich Turner, ALTO SAX & B/V- Wesley Magoogan
LEAD GUITAR & B/V – Roger Hubbard, RHYTHM GUITAR & B/V – Little Stevie Whitefield
DRUMS – Andy Knight, BASS GUITAR – Martyn Baker

Janine Anne Hemsley….I love it

Andre Martin…..Interesting – very mid 70s disco structure would gone down well with the glam/disco music in that time – good find.

Martyn Baker….Here is a recording with the final lineup. Kevin Hoad had taken over the drumstool, Pete Prescott had replaced Martin Stringer by then. We decided to split the band up shortly afterwards.

935003_10151699947769287_870860994_nphoto supplied by Pete Prescott

Pete Prescott……I remember that gig.i was very much in awe of everyone in the band.also i was still living in north kent.i used to travel down wednesday nights and weekends.tich was amazing as a frontman.didnt know why they needed me.throw in wes and roger h.amazing band.i moved to hastings on christmas eve 77.the band split up on new years eve ha ha ! i was left stranded in a town i didnt know.bit tough for a while.but it picked up a year later with the jims.i think we did smoke on the water at that gig with ray for the first time.he had that yamaha.great guitar.