The Talismen & Cliff Bennett – Big Beat Reunion 14th November 1987 video by Peter Millington
Peter Millington…..video features The Talismen, another group local to Hastings and who were very popular. They played a mixture of pop and rock in the 1960s and also reformed for his very special event.
Peter Millington…..The Big Beat Reunion party on Hastings Pier on 14th November 1987. features Cliff Bennett and Friends, Ray Fenwick, Pete Shaw, Pete Head and co-organiser of the event, Chris Sayer.
Alan Esdaile….WOW, we are spoilt today.
Stuart Moir….Ray Fenwick on Gibson Les paul lead guitar, and Pete Shaw on drums and of course Peter Head on bass. We were support band for Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers around that time playing at Chislehurst Caves.
Peter Millington….I think you’ll find that Ray was playing a Yamaha and not a Gibson Stu!
Pete Shaw…..I remember it well! We all met, on the pier late that afternoon and ran through some numbers that Cliff had outlined…a couple were really versions of Johnny Mars set pieces as Ray and I were still gigging with Johnny…Cliif B was great and after the gig he asked if we could work with him at other gigs he had…Ray and I did some more for him but Pete H and Chris S could not! Great fun and hey, that kit wasn’t even mine but even with only a couple of cymbals it sounded period authentic although some of my staggered breaks were a bit modern! Ray’s guitar was one of two Yamaha specials he had picked up from Yamaha themselves?? His accomplished and searing sound accompanied me and my kit for years!! I’m very thankful for his friendship at that time…Chris Sayer and Pete Head all time Hastings musical heroes! Thanks Pete for posting this…I’ve never seen it before!!
Caz Simpson…. I can’t believe I missed the Big Beat Reunion on Hastings Pier in 1987! Cliff Bennet played, where was I??
The Talismen – Top Hastings group from 1964 to 1967
Supplied by Peter Millington Hastings Groups from 1958 to the present – photos Lloyd Johnson
Peter Millington… The Talismen – One of the best Hastings Groups between 1964 and 1967. Chris Sayer, Keith (Budge) Harrison, Henry Harvey and Peter (Jonah) Jones. Pictures from Lloyd Johnson. Sadly, Chris, Budge and Henry have all passed away.
Yvonne Cleland… I think this is the band that came round to our house and played a few numbers when I was a baby in a cot. Chris played something, and I plunked along with him on my red plastic guitar!
Jon McCallion… Had lunch with Chris nearly every day in the early 70s. Lovely man.
Ken Mulley… I remember this band very well … As I recall they played in Hastings caves.. One stage they were all wearing Levi 501s which insprired me to do the same..! this would had been 64/65
Leigh Wieland-Boys… The lovely Jonah, always looked after us girls when he was a bouncer – never saw his band though sadly
Stuart Moir… I see Pete at the Hastings sea angling club when it’s open was a brilliant solid drummer in the Talisman .
Lloyd Johnson… They played the Market Hall, The Regent, The Caves, The Pier everywhere. I thought they were the best group in Hastings at the time. always quick with the wit!…I was good mates with Henry and and I put The Big Beat Reunions on The pier in the 80s…
Anne… Is Pete still around? My other half played in Revival with Chris, and Chris and Pete used to play at the White Horse in Hurst
Green as a duo. Hard to believe it’s more than 10 years since Chris passed away.
Lloyd Johnson… I think Pete lives in Spain now….
Patricia Warren… I remember them from Combe Haven caravan park, St Leonards-on-Sea, I was about 14 , Mum and Dad always sat us by the stage , the music was deafening and we loved it , my small sister slept through most of it , great memories .
The Talismen – Old Town Beach 1964
The Talismen on Hastings Old Town Beach in 1964. From left to right is Keith (Budge) Harrison-Burgess, Chris Sayer, Henry Harvey, Pete Jones. Photo from Peter Millington.
Mick Knights…..The winch huts don’t seem to have aged that much!
Pat Harrison Burgess… Do you have any more pictures of The Talismen? Would love his daughters to see more pictures.
Alan Esdaile… Hi Pat, I expect you have seen the other ones on the site but will check with Pete Millington to see if he has any others. Anyone else, got any photos?
Eugene Hughes… Wow. My first job in 1972 was with Henry (Henners) on the GPO.
Roger Saunders… Great to see the photo. I was the original drummer with the group for a couple of years. Happy Days. Good gigs at the Market Hall in George Street, and always great laughs with Henry.
Andre Martin… Life was always a laugh with ‘enry.
Advert for The Regent 1965…
Ken Mulley… I remember seeing the Tallismen performing at the Caves in Hastings, it had to be about 1964/ 5 . If I remember right . They dressed in Denim . Levi 501s . Fantastic band
Pat Harrison-Burgess… Thanks Ken
Sandie Carlyon… Loved Henry. Ace postie as well.