The Drifters – The Catacombe Eastbourne 1966


Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection

Andre Martin… I have for some reason kept this poster from Friday 13th May 1966. Just look at those prices – and I could have claimed Student Rate at the time, that would have been an even bigger bonus. I seem to recall that you could get a very late[early]train back from Eastbourne at about 1.30 am that was always very useful.

Alan Esdaile… You probably kept it because they were a great band live. Used to see a few bands at The Sundowners and hitch hike back home

Len Smith… Catacombe great place to play but how did they manage all 3 bands & Drifters in one night on that stage!

Karen Sweatman… I believe The Suspects also supported The Drifters at some point, but we couldn’t find that poster.

Stephen Booth… Great club as I remember, also The Dolphin pub and the Jade House in Brighton where I bought my first Ben Sherman shirt

Harry Randall… Saw “The Foundations ” there

Stuart Moir… Defiants were a local band .

The Catacombe Eastbourne gigs

supplied by Colin Fox

Colin Fox… Some more local bands from the 1960s playing at the Catacombe. The Beachcombers, The Suspects, Kaine and Abel and St Johns Wood.

Mark Mackenzie… Hi Do you have any posters of The New Breed at The Catacombs ?

Stewart Grimes… Our band used to play there quite often The Victors with myself, Roy Sanderson, Barrie Sussell and Terry Stevens!