Battle Dance Club – Battle Memorial Hall 1970

january 1970

may-june 1970

nov - dec 1970

supplied by Nigel Ford

Robert Searle… Nice to see Hailsham band Charade on the lists

Martin Samuel… Friday 13th November 1970… Heatwave was not an ‘E.M.I. Recording group’, their single was released on Penny Farthing Records. Crew went by the name The Crew until 1971 and was not a ‘C.B.S. Recording group’. Their 1st ’70 single was on Vergara, a Spanish label, and their 2nd, a Jonathan King production, was on Decca. How do I know? I was the drummer in both bands… but not at the same time!
Heatwave :
Crew :

Ralph Town… Just seen Candy Choir on an old TOTP performance on youtube YouTube lol


Deep Purple – The Cobweb 1968


Nigel Young Archives  via  Ian McGilvray

Peter Pursglove….The Witch Doctor ,a great place RIP

Pete Fisher….. would have been 13 back then, and just beginning to play guitar, but sadly too young to go to this gig….had to delve into wikipedia to check my facts…this would have been the Mark 1 line-up, with Rod Evans on vocals and Nick Simper on bass, and only about a month after the band formed….I guess it was “Black Night” that first drew my attention, and became the pub jukebox soundtrack for several years…I remember buying Deep Purple In Rock in summer 1970, and playing it proudly to Bernard Jeffery and Steve (?) in my bedroom, who were in my first band, Black Ash, on drums and vocals, with Iain Cobby on bass, and deciding that was what we wanted to sound like…..along with Led Zep and Free….finally got to see Purple in Cologne with Steve Morse on guitar in 1996….would love to have seen Blackmore live!

Mick O’Dowd…..Sorry to disappoint. This Deep Purple were the Hastings branch and it was the other ones that nicked our name. So there!!

Peter Pursglove….Yes Mick , I just had a look and they were booked on the 11th and 18th

John Storer…..interesting to see that Episode Six were playing two nights later, a band that featured Ian Gillan on vocals and Roger Glover on bass.