The Who – Summer of ’74 Charlton Athletic F.C.

Shared from Peter Broadman

Pete Prescott… I was there! A brilliant day !

Phil Thornton… Pete, yup I was there, the Who were epic !!!

Colin Bell… It was VERY loud! It’s no wonder old Pete T is deaf! I stood behind the cabinets!

Pete Prescott… Were you backstage ?

Colin Bell… Yes Pete, with Kit (one of the bands managers) who’d plied me & several others with so much brandy i struggled to remain conscious! Moony had had quite a few too & was debuting his extra large drum set up as i seem to recall & Pete was in a foul mood, Humble Pie were great, the rest is a blurry dim memory!

Red Reddog… I was there ……

Pete Prescott… I found these while working at a pop magazine in Zurich in 1986.

The Who 30th Dec, The Kult New Years Eve 1967


Andre Palfrey-Martin collection

Mick Knights… Yep, was at this one, but as I remember the rest of the town,s youth had other plans that night!

Andy Qunta… Ah, those were the days alright!

Andre Martin… Well that was the way to get round the Sunday licencing rules in the day= create a Club night ! And look who has taken over the Pier Promotions on 6th January – John Schofiled with his Strand Entertainments.


The Who – Hastings Pier 24th December 1965



Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection

Mick Knights….I was also at this one as well and was the ballroom was only half full!!

Andre Martin…..I want to know more about the Lurking Cromwells – anybody ??

Bob Green…..I know nothing of the Lurking Cromwells, but what a great name!

Mick O’Dowd… Talkin’ ’bout my generation…!!!

Bob Searle… Lurking Cromwells later became Kult from Ninfield


Quadrophenia Film 14th September 1979 – Hastings misses out on court scene.


John Storer……Around 1978, a film production company rang Hastings Magistrates Court office and asked if they could use the court for a film they were making. Our boss agreed and several production assistants arrived to check the place out. They were dismayed to find a big concrete block of a court and told us it was not suitable. We asked what the subject of the film was and were told that they were making a film of the Who’s “Quadrophenia” and needed an old-fashioned courtroom for a scene after the riots. The boss was sympathetic (he’d actually clerked the special court that dealt with everyone arrested from the fighting) and sent them along to Lewes Magistrates Court. It was that court that was used for the courtroom scenes in the film.

Alan Esdaile… Andre, did I read somewhere that Lloyd was involved in supplying some of the clothes for the film?

Andre Martin… That is correct, amongst others he made the suits for Sting.

Janet Rennie… Love this film

Pete Fisher… love the film, but was disappointed that they didn’t use the original album tracks for the soundtrack – as far as I know all the music was re-recorded for the film, and in my opinion didn’t sound half as good…

Jan Warren… One of my all-time favourite films, love it!! 🙂

Robert Wren… Two local lads were extras in Quadrophenia, Ray Bowles and myself. I’m on the scooter with the L plate and Ray is on the white one next to me. Great fun and good money. Blink and you will miss us


supplied by Robert Wren

Paul Chapman… Brilliant.! I love this film. When it came out. I watched it at the cinema back to back. You could in those days, stay in the cinema and watch it when it came back on.. the film is a classic

Sixties autographs supplied by Jackie Hersee

Autographs of Dave Clark, Bobby Elliott and Graham Nash of The Hollies, Mark Wynter, The Searchers Chris Curtis and John McNally, The Merseybeats Arron Williams, Billy Kingsley and John Banks and The Who 1965. Just a few of what Jackie has in her collection.

Andy Qunta… Fab!

Peter Houghton… Wow! That’s awesome!

Chris Baker… My Mum and Dad used to go up to London to see BBC EasyBeat recordings. Clinton Ford rings a bell from that time. Somehow I imagine him spending his latter years doing Cruise Ships.


SMART SOUNDS by Colin Bell reviewing The Who : Concert Memories from the Classic Years, 1964 to 1976 Book

THE WHO  –  CONCERT MEMORIES FROM THE CLASSIC YEARS  –  1964 to 1976       Edoardo Genzolini 

A couple of weeks back, i brought you a review of Italian author Edoardo’s book on Cream. I somewhat cheekily ended that review by noting that Edoardo had also had a work published on The Who, prior to that of Cream in December 2022 and if the publisher, Schiffer Publishing, would like to send me a copy……Thank you Victoria for doing just that, here are my thoughts on this hefty tome, in all senses of the word. As i mentioned in my summation of Edoardo’s work on the Cream book, i found myself in the company of a new author (to me) who i could completely empathise with, who loves music and film passionately and whose passions were ignited at the age of around 13, as indeed were mine. Edoardo came to The Who by watching the film of Woodstock. That in itself is paradoxical as i know from Pete and Roger that they hated the event and would happily forget all about it personally in many ways, although it did of course bring The Who to a worldwide audience. I was intrigued by the premise of this new book as it takes a fresh approach to the story of the band during the decade + it focuses on, and uses, in the main, the reminiscences and thoughts of a wide ranging group of fans and the authors insights. As Eduardo puts it ‘It’s the reflection of what my thirteen-year-old self would have loved to read about The Who from someone else’ i.e. from a fans perspective as an audience member watching the sights and sounds of the band. Now here i should just explain briefly for those not familiar with my own ‘career’, i first saw The Who on Hastings Pier back in May 1967 when i was just starting out in the music biz working backstage. Since those first early days i have had a lifelong association with the band, which includes working at their Record Company Track Records, attending dozens of gigs and parties with the band, interviewing them for Press and Radio etc etc. So, in short i have been a lifelong fan of the band and their music, and also had the privilege of seeing and hearing a lot of the stories recounted in this book at first hand. Indeed it has been really interesting to compare the contributors thoughts on central characters involved in The Who’s story, such as early mentor Pete Meaden and infamous later band Managers  Kit Lambert & Chris Stamp. The whole question of were The Who a Mod group? or rather a reflection of a whole movement. What was the reason for all that wanton destruction of guitars, amps, drums etc? and how was it financed? Is there really at the heart of the band a great tension between Pete & Roger? all these questions and so much more are discussed and chewed over. Each year is prefaced by a ‘scene setting’ editorial from Edoardo before it’s given over to the thoughts from all the many participant’s  he has tracked down for this exemplary book. And i haven’t even mentioned the dozens of photos, many, many of which appearing for the first time in black & white & colour. And it’s fascinating to see the ‘amateur’ shots taken by fans which painfully reminds me personally, of all the wasted opportunities i had in front of me at the time, had i only had the presence of mind to whip out my Kodak’Brownie’. But i was by then in ‘work mode’ and taking photo’s wouldn’t have occurred to me, an everlasting regret. But to return to the book. I am frankly amazed by the clarity of peoples memories of the bands, but then i shouldn’t be, where as i may have become ‘blase’ to a Who gig, for many it was one of the highlights of their youth (or indeed lives) because rarely have i attended any concert by ANY band that contains so much ferocious energy as that that emanated from Pete, Roger, John & Moony at their height. It’s quite clear to me that Edoardo is fascinated with the character of Pete in particular, for reasons i perfectly understand, he is a complex and mercurial individual and not always an easy person to know. But as the creative force of the band his outlook and views are always interesting and often controversial. I have always got on much more easily with the down to earth approach of the less intense, yet equally interesting Roger. Many books have been written about The Who over the years, mostly from a scholarly musicologist point of view, this work is from a huge fan who has taken the time, as he did with the Cream book, to once again assemble a work that includes meticulous attention to detail, coupled with a fund of stories and anecdotes from avid fans that illustrate the love and respect this most seminal of bands is held in. Without sounding smug, i may have not personally learnt much that i didn’t already have some knowledge of. but it’s been fascinating comparing notes with other like minded people. If i have one critiscism at all, well more of a minor niggle really, it’s that many of the contributions are from American sources, i would have liked to have heard more from the British side, nonetheless, I hope Edoardo continues to write further books on other bands as I am increasingly attracted to his whole style and approach. As i said at the start of this review this is a hefty A4 + sized hardback tome, that weighs in at several pounds, and runs to 304 pages complete with the 100’s of photo’s mentioned earlier. It’s not cheap at a recommended price of £54.99. but it’s produced to the highest standards, on fine quality materials and as a treasure trove of material for the true Who fan it is quite truly indispensable.

Available from  Amazon, etc.

See you again soon. Take care and happy reading….Colin



Edoardo Genzolini… Hello Colin, your two reviews about my two books were simply wonderful, and it was a pleasant surprise to find a kindred spirit in you. It comes as even more surprising to realise you were THAT close to The Who in the sixties! Giving the book a more American take, as you rightly observed, became a necessity, as I must admit I was getting a lot of scepticism from the majority of the UK fans I have met. But I am sure I was just out of luck! In fact, I am working patiently on a new volume with mostly UK material and memories, including people who were very close to the Who. Now that I know you were a fortunate insider, I would find wonderful if you could participate! We’ll go into that in private, if you like. Thank you again and best wishes!

Colin Bell… Hi Edoardo, thank you for the kind words, feel free to DM me anytime. Best wishes Colin.

Richard Porter… Edoardo, My wife’s first husband was Roger’s accountant. We socialised with him and his family.

Ken Wilson… Saw them on the pier Hastings they were brilliant ,early 60s

Barry French… Was lucky enough to get tickets to see the WHO at the Central Cricket ground Hove a couple of weeks ago. A breath taking show that highlighted that Roger Daltrey is still one of the great voices in rock (The scream at the end of “Wont get fooled again” got a huge cheer from the crowd & nearly made my ears bleed ) & that Pete Townsend is a genius guitarist with more tricks than Paul Daniels & more windmills than the Netherlands. Absolutely Brilliant !!! (These guys are nearing their eighties!!)

Witchdoctor Club – Tony Powell video, The Animals & The Who

Thanks to Lloyd Johnson for finding this. How Tony Powell became manager of the Witchdoctor.

Also a classic photo of ‘The Animals’  read the sign!


                                                                                                   Andre Palfrey-Martin Collection

The Who at the Witchdoctor 4th August 1965

Mick Knights….The only face I can put a possitive ID to is still Colin Gilcrest (Mr. G) I recognise the first bloke looking mean and moody, but can’t think of a name. I’m pretty sure the girl dancing alone is Lill, but it was almost 50 years ago!!!!!

Gary Kinch….Alas, too young to see them in the 60’s although I do have a tenuous second hand link with the Witch Doctor during that period. My Dad was a Bouncer there, whether he was at this gig I don’t know without asking him. He would of hated the music though. He also worked at the Fiesta in a similar capacity during the 60’s…Anyway, one of my favourite bands and I’ve seen them a few times since. Sundowner in London, December 73 being a good ‘un. Mainly Quadrophenia (top 20 all time great albums IMO) with the odd Tommy track plus a couple of the older classics. The trip to this gig was organised by Hastings Students Union, at least one coach full of young reprobates went. Anyone else remember this outing?

Pete Fisher….saw them on the Pier, July 1969, and at the front it was so loud my vision started to blur, and I had to go out and grab some sea air, returning to stand further back. Moon threw out drumsticks at the end, and a mate from school won the scrum to get it, only because he was small and agile, and ran for his life out of the ballroom clutching his trophy, which he brought into school the next day! Only time rugby ever came in useful!

Mick O’Dowd….Thankfully most of us didn’t “Die before we get old!”

Iain Cobby… Hey Pete, I was there too in 69, July, the same evening man walked on the Moon (no pun intended).It was a Sunday Club gig, the first real gig I was allowed to go to. They were loud with an army of WEM and Marshall cabs all around the stage. They did the whole of Tommy if I recall,I then fell in love with wanting to play bass (what went wrong?) As waited for my dad to pick me up outside the entrance, Daltrey breezed past me. I cried out ” nice one Rog”…………….. he never even blinked. oh well.

Nick Prince… The Who video – wow!!

Ian Middleton… The day the Animals played, I think it was a Tuesday was the day that House of the Rising Sun topped the record charts and Eric Burdon complained during the gig that they were contracted to play there for £50 when they could have easily got £100 in London

Jackie Hersee… This is where I spent my time in the 60’s

Stephanie Blackledge… me too! Geno Washington. 1966?

Diane Leigh… Enjoyed listening

Gerry Fortsch… A great venue with some great memories apart from the dandruff highlighter as you went in.

Caz Simpson… This real took me back, thank you for posting! I remember him so well, a really lovely man. The Witchdoctor was my second home

Pete Fisher… Several sources quote 9 July 1964 as the day the Animals hit number one, but I found a list of gigs at the Witch Doctor which said this one was 12 August which was indeed a Wednesday. It also says admission was 8s/6d Mick, quite expensive as I’ve read that the price of a pint was around 2s/0d back then. BTW the BBC charts were a combination of the Record Retailer, Melody Maker, NME and other music magazine charts until 1969.

Richard Brimms… I remember it but I thought it was a Wednesday

David Edwards… And I thought Alan Price was the whinged in the band !

Mick Knights… I remember it being too expensive to go to on an apprentice’s weekly pittance!

Steve Maxted… So interesting, the Manchester man that Tony met with the American car would have been Paddy Mckiernan, a great character. I did a lot of shows for him, including at rhe Witch Doctor and Cobweb

Mark Mackenzie… Played drums for The New Breed three times in 67, great gigs

Andy Ives… That was very interesting thanks for posting. Tony used to be my neighbour

Judith Monk… Not only was I there but two of them including Eric stayed overnight at my house after the gig and I had breakfast with them!

John Warner… The second group to appear at the Witchdoctor. First one was the Nashville Teens!

Robert Valentine… Played there many times in my band The Clockwork Oranges in the sixties nice venue.

Lynda Whatley… What an interesting watch ! Remember dancing up the Witchdoctor in my youth

Nick Bloomfield… Great story from the man who was there. I didn’t get down until after this period but I know Steve Marriott played here a few times.