Tom Chaplin – De La Warr Pavilion Bexhill. 24th May 2017


further details…

Alan Esdaile… Anyone know where the photo was taken?

Dave Nattress… Saw Tom in Brighton last night with my daughter Katie – St Georges Church venue, near Kemp Town, genuine church, hard pews and all that, absolutely marvellous show, new band, he did the album and 3 Keane songs – Sovereign Light Cafe, Everybody’s Changing and Silenced by the Night. Great new band, but truly missed seeing the other Keane boys behind him. Awesome vocals still!! Good old Brighton parking though, the tour bus, parked outside (on double Yellows admittedly), had a parking ticket on it!!

Jackie… Absolutely loved brighton show. Spectacular acoustics in the church. I saw the tour bus had a parking ticket ..ridiculous. where was it supposed to park.

Dave Nattress… Alan, several interesting photo’s on the album, one of Eastbourne Bandstand for instance. As I believe Tom lives over towards the Kent/East Sussex border somewhere I suspect some may be shots from that area. The road one may be down on desolate Romney Marsh somewhere or down that way. Likewise the one where he’s in the river.

Alan Esdaile… Thanks Dave, I was thinking it could be around Romney Marsh.