Tony Prince Radio Luxembourg Roadshow and Jigsaw – Hastings Pier 1st August 1975


Jigsaw photo in Japan during 1976 tour.

Kev Carlenonis… Won 10 LPs from Tony Prince, a 208 t shirt and two tickets to get in, of which the tickets and poster I printed. Won the tickets, LP’s etc from a competition in the local free paper.

Tony Prince Radio Luxembourg and Stuart Coleman Radio One – Hastings Pier 17th May 1980

may 17th 1980 - Tony Prince

24. 17th May 1980 Hastings Pier


Julie Morris… I used to love the 208 roadshows – happy days!

Paul Huggett… There’s a book out about him, currently advertising on Radio Caroline (online/DAB)

tony prince

Robert Searle… Stuart Coleman, good dj and a good rock n roll bass guitarist


Tony Prince and Emperor Rosko 2015 from Nick Prince and Hastings Radio roadshows.


Nick Prince… Tony Prince and Emperor Rosko are in Ibiza in a modern day M.C. competion and intend to show the hand waving DJ’s of today how to get a crowd going…. Should be fun. 1970’s maybe and the fact that both hosted Radio Luxembourg Roadshows on the Pier and Rosko did a Radio One Roadshow here in 1976, I think?

Peter Fairless… Friday, 9th July 1976, Nick, Rosko Roadshow in the Ballroom…

Nick Prince… I’m sure someone on this page found Emperor Rosko did the 1975 Radio One Roadshow here and I claimed Tony Blackburn did the 1976 one here with Our Kid as guests. I’ll find the cutting of Tony Blackburn and Our Kid at some point, whereever it was I saw them…. Could only be here or Eastbourne. My knowledge of Radio One/Luxembourg Road shows isn’t as good as some of my subjects.

Peter Fairless… I think it was Alan Freeman one year…

Chris Giles… I was on the Alan freeman road show or was it Pete Murray not sure bit disappointing though did the bit and pieces game on it..didn’t win …Trouble was, I took the day off work to go and then everyone heard me on the radio.. Got a lovely bag of bits and bobs though and a Radio 1 roadshow sticker that I still have on my guitar case.

Nick Prince… That is so funny. No chance of your workmates catching you out on a Radio One Roadshow now? Unless they are under 11. I think that is the average age of their audience these days.

Chris Giles… The best radio 1 show was in The leas Cliff Hall at Folkestone …we were visiting Folkestone that day as a family… So we all went in mum and dad and Shep the Dog as well… And saw David Bowie singing Space Oddity… Of course we didn’t know much about him then…but it’s one of those memorable days you never forget.

Nick Prince… My most memorable moment from a Radio One Roadshow was Eastbourne (c1983). Tony Blackburn again. In a silver outfit jumping on stage and doing some sort of robotix/brakedancing routine. Very memorable but again I escaped this mentally unscathethed. (Did you go to that one Jez Clark?)

Tony Davis… Think the year was 1973 that the Radio One Roadshow came to the Aquarius in George Street. My mate John Baker was the house DJ and was supposed to be on the panel reviewing new releases. At the time he was in hospital and couldn’t do it so I stepped in. The only record I can remember we reviewed was Geordie’s Get Back Black Cat. I remember though that it was Emperor Rosko who was the Radio One DJ there.

Jo Weavill… My memory of David Bowie singing Space Oddity at Folkstone Radio One Roadshow was unbelievable. A day out with grandparents and stumbled into this fantastic moment aged 15. The hall as I remember it wasn’t full at all. Wonderful wonderful memory.


Transistor Radio memories

Gary Kinch…..been thinking about his old tranny, Transistor Radio that is 😉 . My parents got it for my 13th birthday in 1970. For a couple of years I used to take everywhere tucked into my coat pocket. The earphone which was one of those mono pink things with a glass ear piece was always stuck in one ear’ole or the other. 208 on the medium wave was the station of choice….The music was ‘kin brilliant, such a diverse selection. Hits that I particularly remember hearing on that tranny: Band of Gold Tears of a Clown Lets stay together My sweet Lord 25 or 6 to 4 Lola  Let it be All Right now Abraham, Martin & John Let’s work Together  …..just some. As I remember Luxembourg used to fade out somewhere between 9 and 10 PM. Was there some Jamming signal used? I can’t remember all the deatils but I do remember the music. Happy new year to all.

Barry M Dyke…..DLT did The Aquarias once…..But perhaps we shouldn’t mention that…..

Andre Martin….DLT aka THC [The Hairy Cornflake] the trouble is where does one stop, you will soon not be able to even mention Noddy !!

Gary Kinch…..Yep, remember Kid Jensen and Tony Prince on the old tranny

Jim Breeds….The 208 signal faded in and out because of atmospherics Gary. The jamming was restricted to the pirate stations. 208 was not a pirate. At night the radio waves do not propagate the same way that they do during the day. I used to have my “tranny” (same clarification needed as above!) on under my pillow when I was supposed to be asleep. And yes to remembering those DJs mentioned above bot on Luxembourg and later on Radio 1.

Alan Esdaile…..Used to listen to Radio Luxembourg, London & Caroline. Likewise my transistor was constanting stuck to my ear and din’t want to miss any new records and took it with me everywhere. I think back to hearing tracks like ‘Days of Pearly Spencer’, ‘Itchychoo Park’ , ‘Angel Of The Morning’, etc. A number of stations used to fade in and out and then go completely dead. The only problem being, if you had the radio under the bed covers, it would suddenly blast out in the middle of the night! I think it was Radio Essex that used to appear from time to time?

Andre Martin…..One station that you could sometimes pick up in the cold weather winter months was AFN – American Forces Network, they had a transmitter in Holland that relayed to the US in the low countries from their main studios in Frankfurt and from the US – that was throughout the 60s.

Sarah Harvey….Do you remember the ‘208 Power Play’…. on the hour every hour…. a new record every day featured. My transister spent most of it under my covers with me listening to Kid Jensen’s Dimensions from 1 am! School rather got in the way those days.

Andre Martin….Here are a couple of memories of Radio Luxemburg and the 208 Roadshow that came to Hastings on 1st August 1975 and the local press write up about ” The Royal Ruler – Tony Prince”

John Wilde…..Radio Lux was the best. Many long nights spent tuned to 208.

Mick O’Dowd…..Luxembourg was the first station I got into even thought the quality of the signal was erratic. I remember Horace Batchelor’s amazing infrared draw. Send details to K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M that’s etc.Didn’t the Bonzos make a song called that? Also Garner Ted Armstrong and his nightly sermon on Caroline. The “Kiss In The Car” licence from Johnnie Walker. The Emperor Rosco hijacking the Jamo Thomas classic ” I Spy For The FBI” into Rosco For The FBI. The emotionally moving time when the end of Caroline was near with the story of Caroline sailing up the Thames to adulation and freedom was broadcast. Anybody got a recording of this? What about you Kev the Witch? I believe you are quite knowledgeable on Pirate Radio.



Andre Palfrey-martin collection

Jim Breeds…..I have an album (“When Pirates Ruled The Waves”) of old clips of the pirates – that famous bit about caroline sailing up the thames may be on it. Will have a look tomorrow.

Andre Martin….I think that the sailing up the Thames coincided with the 1970 elections, when Caroline returned to the airwaves using it old wavelength, and the message was VO by Johnny Walker. Be interested to hear again.