Town Council – Camber & more.. 67/68


supplied by Chris Baker

Chris Baker… Aaaagh! So very long ago!  Town Council at Camber Sands. We played there twice a week for a couple of summers. Must be late 60s I think. Great days.
Left to right: Steve Hersee, Brian *Bear” Williams, Bob Shipway, Pete Robertson and Chris Baker.



Chris Baker…. A more respectable studio shot of The Town Council. Taken by G.Ivan Barnett and a very blurry one in the basement practice room at the Round Table Youth Club. Amazing!

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The Big T Sound & Town Council – Hastings Pier 21st September 1968

all cuttings supplied by Sarah Harvey

Chris Baker….Brian (Bear) Williams (Drums), Bob Shipway, (Bass), Pete Robertson (Vocals) and (Batty) Bill Willshire whose real name was Pete! Fun times! Bill joined after Steve Hersee left and we got Bob the bass player.

1901533_10151908604590264_1955605120_nsupplied by Chris Baker

Here’s Chris at his 18th birthday with the group Town Council. Harry the manager and Bob Shipway in the photo.

Chris Baker… I am not sure I’d quite developed the Rock God image at that point in my career!

Phil Gill… But the Hofner was too cool for school – do you still have it?

Chris Baker… I do indeed Phil. I had a Humbucker fitted and split to two leads for “stereo” many years ago. It can make more different tones than most! I also have a Strat which I love to bits

Mick O’Dowd… Went to school with “Bill” Wilshire and we used to get together at his place in OLd London Road that he called “Fat’s Pad”. We tried to form a band with me on vocals(ouch) , Trev Partridge on bass, Neil (can’t remember surname) on drums, “Bill” was going to be on keyboards when he could manage to buy one, Tim Purcell on guitar and I think Pete Shaw might have got involved near the end. Working name was The Thoroughbreds. First and last time I tried to be in a band so decded to become a DJ instead!

Chris Baker… Bill’s name was Peter really and Willshire not WilTshire.

Conan Howard… played my first ever gig with Chris Baker somewhere in a basement, in George street Hastings BACK IN THE 70S Conan (Len)

Chris Baker… I remember mate! 7 George St. “Showstopper” was the shop we had. The basement got “damp” when it was high tide

Iain Cobby… Nice to see you Chris! and a young Bob and Harry. Thanks for many memories.

Chris Baker… And you too Iain! Looking back at those pics makes me think we were lucky to be playing the music we loved and getting paid for it too!



Band Photos & Info Wanted on….

Band photos and info wanted.

Mick O’Dowd & Pete Horton have come up with this list of bands from the 60’s. It may jog a few memories and maybe get some further info on a few. A few odd bits we have posted before but looking for more from….

Earl Dee Group, Prohibition, Mouse Movement, Town Council, Group Therapy(morphed into Talismen?), King Rod & Co( became The Silhouettes?),Unabridged Telephone Directory (The Victors), Suspects, Orange Seaweed, King Bees, G.T. Strokers, Shrew People, Kult (Lurking Gromwells?), Springbeats, Vampires, Willow Pattern (Earl Dee?), Magnetic Fruit Juice (Shrew People), Shades of Clive (Springbeats).

Any photos or info appreciated.

Pete  Shaw….Fag paper nose and chin band..Jan and the Chaperones…I was in the latter band!

Alan Esdaile…..Other band photos looking for are Bracken, Johnny Panic, Sam Tripp, Hippo Band, Grundy, Easy Street, Damaris, Bouncing Dentists, St Johns Wood

Kev Towner…..Bouncing Dentists – remember them well!!

John Wilde…..Yay for the Bouncing Dentists!

Andre Martin…..Somebody mentioned a groups called – Fag Paper, Nose & Chin Band – found this in Hastings Observer – June 1966 –


Pete Shaw…..Just shows that they did exist! The name came from a statement made by now, the late guitarist Chris Sayers commenting on a female at his gig where “you couldn’t slide a fag paper between her nose and chin”…..some local witch huh!! They had a repertoire just like the legendary Liverpool group, The Big Three……!”