W. H. Mozley 4 York Buildings Hastings

photo shared : Helena Wojtczak https://www.facebook.com/helena.wojtczak.98

Alan Esdaile… Great shop. Where staff were always happy to help you.

John Gale… I remember in the 80s a guy selling from there wearing a brown(Arkwright style)overall cost. Really nice guy.

Martin Richter… an absolute goldmine of a shop – especially downstairs

Fiona Evans… Ditto, wonderful shop & lovely staff.

Pauline Richards… Paul Demayo would sharpen your lawnmower blades in the other shop in the road behind!

David Martin… Fabulous shop front

Chris Meachen… Loved Moseleys, still have chef’s knives I bought there. Proper hardware shop, sadly lacking the like of today…

Gaz Linch… It was possible to buy just about any size of nut, bolt,screw,washer as a single item,if that was all you needed . Sad day when it closed.

Eileen O’Toole… I remember those days

Roger Simmonds… Wonderful old shop sadly missed!

Julie Findlay-jones… Used to get my chefs knives sharpened in there.

Malcolm McDonald… Is that where I used to get keys cut years ago

Peter Ellingworth… Remember it well….any idea around when this photo was taken ?

Nigel Ford… John, probably the son Bill Mozely, I knew him for many years as he married the eldest Relf girl Sue from Battle.

John Wilde… Does anyone remember the original Sainsburys in York Buildings?

Angela Frances Gardner… John, Yes I remember it and the wonderful mirrors behind the counters. Did it have a marble floor?

Pauline Richards… yes! I found a ten shilling note in there on the floor and bought my mum and me a cream tea when it wasn’t claimed after 3 months. A long time for a young child to wait. And it’s too late to claim it now!!

Geoffrey Wilde… None of these memories are lost. Because they’re not just memories, they’re moments. They did not happen in the past. They are moments in the Now. Always accessible through the dimensional doors within.

Margaret Trowell… This and Kirby’s ironmongers in Norman Road and Bexhill Road by Filsham Rd traffic lights . Could nearly always find what you needed and reasonably priced too. Much missed

Julie Findlay-jones… Bought my chefs knives there, such a wonderful shop.

Chris Baker… “You could always get one in Mozleys!”

Roger Simmonds… I remember Sainsbury’s remember the walls were covered in white tiles I’m sure!

Wendy Weaver… Mozleys was an amazing place. I still miss having a natter with Bill downstairs among the nails and screws. He used to play snooker in the Con Club with George Digweed.

Michael Haywood… I remember the shops of the 70s/80s but cannot match them with current buildings. I remember, as well as Mozley’s, Ripleys [fruit and veg] and Golden Egg [restaurant]

Michael Sugrue… I worked there back in the day

Ken Hatch… Loved Mozleys….proper hardware shop