Wards of Hastings – Christmas Is Coming…

John Gale… Ooooh that lift, loved that

Fred Marsh… Their jacket potatoes were the best

Mike Waghorne… My uncle Jack Morris worked there in the 60’/70’s

Pauline Smith… Mike, my Mum worked there too for a while during the 60s.

Wendy Weaver… Loved their little restaurant overlooking the arcade.

Teresa Goacher… Thats where I used too get my school uniform from…

Dawn Campbell… Oh wow – Yes, remember getting fitted out for my school uniform there every year and then after leaving school would go to the restaurant, where I discovered the best jacket potatoes – great memories!


Music & Fashion – The Wardrobe, Fab Boutique, Chelsea Girl, Maridadi & Others in Hastings.


supplied by Nick Prince

Anyone remember The Wardrobe boutique?  This had an entrance in York Gardens and was part of Wards. Also have fond memories of Huckels, The Fab Boutique and Cyril Savages. Any others?

Nigel Ford… Underground, and I think I got my Parka from Millets in 1969…I too remember all the others Nick.

Dave Nattress… What about the Trading Post for the ex.Army gear!! But for the early 70′s smooth phase, yeah, used to come over from Bexhill to Fab Boutique and Huckells for sure. But then broadening it right out, Kensington Market for the Afghan Coats, scoop neck T shirts and Loon Pants.

Matt Thomas… Scorpio

Caz Simpson… Was the Fab Boutique owned by on of the Fisher brothers? Brian? If so the ladies part do it was called She in Queens Road.  She was quite high up Queens Road, I think it was upstairs to Fab. Very small but lovely clothes.

Jim Breeds… Yes, bought loads of clothes in there. And Fab. Great days for huge butterfly shirt collars.

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