shared from: Darren Griffin
Darren Griffin… Plymlimmon Road, so many shops, looks like a high street.
Alan Esdaile… Remember doing a paper round for’ Frank’s’
David Martin… I find that hard to believe, when was Plynlimmon Road ever that long & straight?
Matt Thomas… I remember all the small independent shops around Hughenden Rd as well
Pauline Richards… I did Beneys!
Liz Dianto… Looks too wide to be Plynlimmon Road
Jeremy Harrison… I lived at No.35 in the 1980’s. It had a large window and was allegedly a former haberdashery shop. Next door was a former bakery with ovens intact. However, the street in the photo doesn’t look like Plynlimmon Road to me!
Bernard Goffredo… Definitely Plynlimmon Road the steps on the right just between the shops going down to St Mary’s terrace and I remember shops being there when I was young also further along on the corner of Alpine Road was a green grocers. The corner of Gordon street was a sweet shop and if you turned into that street there were shops and a barbers.Going back the other way was a hardware shop and on the slope down to vicarage road was a cobblers, It is wide when you don’t have cars parked either side
Tanya Eldridge… Yes It’s the top of Plymlimon Road, looking south from the top of the alleyway. Modern day view in the website link.
Mick Knights… That’s what a pavement looks like before a fibre optic company wrecks it!!
Ralph Town… I used to live there. We lived in a house that was once a bakery. It was broken up into a shop and our house was the only one in the road with a garage. My dad let it out to a family down the road for him to put his Austin 1100 in. It’s been broken up again since and is now 2 small houses with no garage.