Floral clock – White Rock Gardens Hastings photos 2

all photos © Hastings Public Library

Magicians International Hastings, County Cricket at Hastings and Holidays at Hastings.

Graham Sherrington… Bloody Fantastic!! Yes I live in the Past!!!

Jeff McCall… My grandad, Percy Eldridge, was responsible for making the clock for years.

June Crocombe… Remember this it was so lovely

Pauline Richards… Remember it well

Alan Roberts… I used to plant it along with carpet beds in Alexandra Park and the sea front. There was cuckoo that came out of the wall. The workings were under the shelter. Unfortunately parents thought it great to sit their kids on the hands and it kept sheering the drive pin.

Andrew Clifton… We spent hours doing those beds, when I was working for the Park’s and Garden’s department of Hastings Borough Council.

Jill Ireland… I remember it.

Margaret Trowell… Our great magician friend Howard Peters did the opening stunt off the pier in a strait jacket and burning rope for the Magicians conference when they held it in Hastings.

Mick O’Dowd… Loved visiting this! So much work went into it. Pity they couldn’t do it now as it would soon be vandalised as was the Model Village. Nothing nice is sacred to these losers these days!

Andy Davies… so sad but true, so many lovely things in town have been ruined by thoughtless fools with nothing better to do.

Andrew Turner… Not long before I left school for good – I went with one of the council electricians to service the water pump that used to run this – this would have been on a Thursday – long time ago now – this was back in late 1986 or early 87.

Floral clock – White Rock Gardens Hastings 1959

Jim Peckham… Used to have one of those in Tunbridge Wells. But like so many things it got vandalised so never replaced

Alan Roberts… Remember the clock well, I used to plant and maintain it when I worked for Parks and Gardens. Unfortunately parents thought it was great to let their children sit on the hands shearing the drive pin. There was a cookoo that came out of the wall behind but that was before my time! Clock workings were under the shelter above.

Jacqueline Marsh… I remember seeing that as a little girl

Carol Acott… Jacqueline, so do l

Lynda Whatley… me too – it was fascinating to see it as a child

John Mcewen… Remember it well.

Betty Austin… I remember it it was lovely each year . And the hospital was opposite.

Mick O’Dowd… Loved this. A pity it isn’t still there but that’s thanks to the low-life over the years re: The Model Village etc. Nice to see it again.

The Model Village White Rock Gardens Hastings 1972

John Gale… Land of the Giants

Tony Ham… John, The safety pin grappling hook!

Julie Morris… I loved it there!

Nicola Dobson… I used to love it there

Pete Brazier… Never got to see it in person!

Linda Boiling… Loved it there when I was young, so sad when it got vandalised😥 I would loved to have taken my children and grandsons there. They have missed out .

Kate Rosie… I remember being taken there once as a small child. Such a shame it’s not still there. It was wonderful

Ian Johnson… My Grandma took me

Stuart Moir… It was constructed by dedicated Hastings people and ruined by a few mindless idiots who would now be either dead or in their later years, how do you feel now guys gutted I hope .

Roy Winchester… Stuart, well said matey.

Barry French… Remember enjoying strolling around Ganneymede in the late sixties, & taking my daughters there to play “Giants” in the eighties. What a shame that something made with such great skill & love was taken from future generations by some mindless morons.

Paul Marshall… Sweet memories

Andy Clarke… This is my sister, brother and I in the very early 70’s. I’m the little one.

Dawn… Living locally you tend not to do things over and over – but, I went a couple of times as a child.  Remembered it and wanted to take my children there but sadly, it had gone due to vandalism and was unable to share my memories with them.   Why are people so senseless


Fun golf at White Rock Gardens Hastings 1968

Michael Linskey… And the Model Village there also shame it’s all gone

Teresa Goacher… I used to play here when I was a kid after it was shut. Took my own club and ball lol

Judy Atkinson… I wonder what happened to that sculpture?

Jill Green… What is the large building in the background?

Alan Esdaile… I think it was the convent in Magdalen Road?