Ray McVay & his Orchestra and Spyke – ITT KB Social Club White Rock Pavilion 10th Jan 1975



supplied by Pete Millington https://pet842.wixsite.com/confeds-to-jinks

Pete Millington… Audience at the ITT Dance held at the White Rock Theatre on 10th January 1975 – My sister Jane is third from right front row (is in front second from right!) I recognise several other faces but not their names – any ideas?

John Gale… Dad would have loved that. He was probably even there.

Janine Hemsley… Ray’s been running the Glen Miller Orchestra for many many years now. My husband, on bass, has been with him since the beginning. Great guy.


David Essex – White Rock Pavilion 19th November 1974




david essex stardust

essex reply

Alan Esdaile… Shows how popular David Essex was, as his film was on at The Classic and The Curzon at the same time

Peter Fairless… Rock On!

Leigh Weiland-Boys… Saw him then & he stayed at The Queen Vic, where my friend was a receptionist, she worked that night so he gave her two free tickets to see him at the Brighton Dome & she took me! Double whammy!

Brigitte Lee… Where were the Penguin and The Orion?

Alan Esdaile… The Orion Cinema was next to the Old W H Smith (just down from the old main Post Office. The Penguin was where Dennies Club was, opposite Priory Street car park.

Chris Meachen… I was taking pictures for The Observer at that gig, along with the lovely Jennie Tocock who was attempting without much success, to get an interview with him..

Leigh Weiland-Boys… My Mum worked at the Observer at the time and got hold of a couple of photos from that night for me – I am not sure whether I still have them (moved a few times since 1974!!) but will have a look.

Jennie Tocock… He was a bit of a jerk if I remember rightly, Chris! We got so many great interviews with tons of the bands in those days … but dear old David was a bit too special to give us 5 minutes!

Alan Esdaile… Oh what a circus that must have been Jennie.

Lesley Bowles… My friend’s Mum worked in the White Rock box office and got me front row tickets, seat A20, I’ll always remember it – and so had the WR advertising poster on my wall for YEARS!!! Happy days!

Martin Curcher… I remember going to White Rock with my Mum, Aunt and Brother to see him perform, I was only 9, and it was loud. His hit song at that time was: Gonna make you a star.

Lesley Bowles… I was front row, 15 years old and cried through the whole thing – how I loved him


Georgie Fame & Alan Price & compere Colin Bell – White Rock Pavilion 28th October 1973



supplied by Sarah Harvey

Alan Esdaile… Can you remember who the support was Colin?

Matt Thomas… Probably played one of my favourite tunes ‘Rosetta’ 

Mick O’Dowd… Remember working on this one. I think it may have been Martin-Casson only gig at White Rock.

Colin Bell… I can’t be absolutely certain but I think they were called ‘Highway’, I remember the actual night very well as they were a heavyish rock band and the audience hated them! I should add that it wasn’t because Highway were bad far from it, it was just not what the audience were expecting as a support act, I liked them! The late Paul Casson and I hid in the bar til the second half when F & P did their set. Fortunately the night then ended well! Not the best night to be compere, especially in my home town..lol..Also backstage it was clear F & P didn’t get on, they arrived separately didn’t speak a word to each other and left separately without a word. On stage together chemistry, offstage………Ah the memories!..