Who remembers stereo units like this?


photo source: Womans Own https://www.facebook.com/womansownmagazine/?pnref=story

Thanks to Tony Davies for finding this.

Stuart Moir… And so under powered

Wendy Weaver… Graham bought me one from Rumbelows 30 years ago. Remember Rumbelows in Queens Road?

Andrew Freeman… Remember them? I used to sell them! Oh the shame!!

Pete Prescott… I  still have stuff like that ! And a good few records. Love em ! AND cassette tapes !

Tony Court-holmes… i want mind back i left it with ex wife.

Dave Nattress… As Pete Prescott, I too have some units like this – 2 x CD players, DAB/FM Tuner, (Planet Rock), Cassette Deck, Amp of course, wouldn’t dream of parting with them. I also have a half decent record deck so I can play the vinyls. The kids all have I-pod’s, pads, I-phone’s, MP3 players, whatever, but I’m happy with old stereo separates and happy to be the dinosaur. I have 2 phone’s – an oldish i-phone – might be a 3 or 4, my own, and a rather newer one from work – an HTC something or other, the HTC is a hateful thing – far too complicated. I bought an MP3 player yonks back, haven’t loaded it up YET!! It’s not gonna happen!! As for the TV, sound bar, BT whatever it is, Freesat, Freeview, I don’t know how the hell any of it works, and you know what, I’m happy as Larry. Ignorance is bliss, and the younger inhabitants of the house – which is all of them thinking about it, can operate all the stuff for me.Reached a good level of competence (or incompetence is it) on the PC and Laptop long ago and occasionally indeed learn something new and this all does me. Rock on everyone – infra-red headphones where are you – time to listen to something.

Pete Prescott… Vinyl sounds great. A lot of classic songs that are on modern equipment often won’t sound as good. It’s so compressed. And a lot of my old TDK ‘s still sound great 30 years on. I use an I pad for some gigs but I love playing records. Always will. A few of my students are loving the record players they got for Christmas. I gave my daughter Poppy one last year (she walked out with a few of my records including songs in the key of life ! Aaaaargh !)

Tony May… It still is if you’re me! Especially if the stack is a Technics!

Chris Meachen… I bought separates generally based on the best spec for my budget. I’m still using the JVC amp that I bought new in the 70’s, & it’s still doing a good job 40 years later…