The Carlisle Hastings 1980 memories from Willie Wicking

photos supplied by Willie Wicking

Willie Wicking… Not quite as far back but the Carlisle 1980 when the Mods took out the windows always remember the Dave Henry summer student discos upstairs

Matt Thomas… I can’t remember but did they have the disabled parking bay at the side in those days?

Willie Wicking… Think that came later there was a large gravel car park to the left

Alan Esdaile… remember the gravel car park. Before that they had amusements machines their.

Matt Thomas… Where were the downstairs toilets then?

Andy Pilkington…  where the traffic lights are now, used to be disabled loo by Carly backdoor, and stairs down to loos, and there was a bustop shelter there at he front

Tim Moose Bruce… Great times. The local custom car club used to have meets at the Carly and all their cars in that carpark. Dave Henry Roadshow was one of the best in the area at that time along with the Labrath Roadshow which played rock stuff when there was bands upstairs.

Andy Pilkington… Was in there at the time lol chatting drinking smoking next windows at front half beach lobbed at the windows,Ron and Flo got anyone who had a bike to bring them into the pub,mate had a rd 250 kicked it over to get it in and the crank sheared!.many years later got to meet one of the mods now rides a lovely motor bike,he admitted he was one of the mods there doing it … times have changed, Flo passed away 18yrs ago dont know about Ron

Willie Wicking…Great times eh

photo Willie Wicking

Andy Pilkington… Continued…As for the discos, we had fun there at those discos, once we bumped a kids 50cc moped up the stairs to one of there fancy dress discos we went as bikers, met a wonderful swedish student who we reconnected on FB she found me! lol fundays good days.. and Willie missus still not forgiven you taking her through Winchelsea arch on the back wheel!!!! lol….got any old pics of the castle bars and by any chance one of woody and harley with his side car he is looking for a pic as lost em all

Chris Grainge… I swear I can see me in this picture ?

Sandy Max… Also before they stupidly built old people’s flats next door! No.disabled parking bay back then

Andy Pilkington…  dont knock them ,it was them that told the Council to go do one when they tried to shut it ,as one old lady put it,we get to see nice bikes,we feel safer and it was there before flats were built

Ian Johnson… Do you remember the Reggae sound system that used to play upstairs on Thursday nights called Fugitive

Helen… It’s really nice to hear that the old folk helped keep it open. I know the petition helped too. Unfortunately, years later, some of the flats residents tried to get the place shut down. Fortunately it didn’t work. However, it’s now sadly been a while since it’s been the Carlisle.

Tim Moose Bruce… Still got the T shirt!

Merv Kennard… I did many gigs upstairs in the seventies, always a good night.

David Frasi… Worked for Tony and Tracey Shipley in late 70’s into the 80′ as an evening Barman at the Carlisle, mainly in the Ocean Rooms upstairs. Great times, great people

Tim Moose Bruce… I remember a Pink Floyd tribute band playing upstairs. They had an old Hammond B3 organ. Must have been a challenge getting that up there. Other bit I remember was the back of the organ faced the top of the stairs. They used it with the back off for better cooling, all the valve chassis completely exposed and not guarded…

Ian Mantel… I was in the Carlisle drinking that Bank Holiday. Police locked us in but still ‘time’ was called at 3pm. Eventually we were taken en masse from the pub up to White Rock Gardens before being told “on your way”

Drew Cotterell… I was reminiscing with my mum, who was Ron’s Niece. He retired to a village near Minehead in Somerset and passed away a couple of years ago.

Footloose on stage and The Carlisle repair.

all photos © Willie Wicking

Willie Wicking… Think it may have been local band Footloose. Photo of The Carlisle after Mods had put all the windows in on bank holiday.

Iain Cobby… Definitely Footloose with a young but bearded Harry Randall. In front of a packed upstairs at the Carlisle is Brian Setchfield singing his heart out, Harry and me, with my long departed Ric 4001, behind the captain!

Mike Waghorne… And Brian now has silver hair or he did the last time I saw him

Harry Randall… not sure but that might be the back of Tony Bridger on the left?  Same shirt? Sound check!