Pebbles, Winchelsea Beach – December 1976

Sandy Max… So…Man Friday were playing on my 18th birthday!

Martin Richter… Trunk ! fanrastic

Mick O’Dowd… I was a  one of 2 resident DJ’s in the 80’s. The other being Mike Nite. This was when I morphed into Mike Day. The hosts were John & Rispa a lovely couple. Then we had Stuart Hay and then Bob ? who runs Plumbline  now. Had some good times here and worked with some good bands. Centre Page, Jinx, Grundy,  plus The Nashville Teens & The Showstoppers. It was a well known fact that if you were leaving before closing and spotted a police car sitting up the road you would ring the club and they in turn would ring the police and say there was trouble in Camber and this being the only car in the area speeds off allowing us drunkards to drive home safely!

Fifty Eight Club Winchelsea Beach membership cards 1971 and 1972

Supplied by Keith Veness

Stuart Moir… Played there on many occasions with our band “Centre Page” fantastic times, loved every minute we were appearing there.

Carol Arnold… Still have my card somewhere!!! Aaaahhh had great times there!!! Remember the pies!!!

Keith Veness… Carol, I remember the pies too

Eric Harmer… Keith, shepherd pies . I use to go there too

Gary Payne… Good times

Gerry Fortsch… Think of the all those pies?

Christine Swaine… My sister and her husband started The 58 club. It was a great place to go. Sadly both passed away now. But wonderful memories.

supper ticket supplied by Keith Veness.




The GT Strokers – 58 Club Winchelsea Beach – 1967


supplied by Tony Lambert

l to r: Andy Webster (very good rhythm and arranger),  Tony Lambert (now singing ?), Paul Freeman (on his Ludwig drums who was the best drummer around here) Revelle Stockdale (very talented) and  far right Graham Kent (good bassist and arranger).

Tony Lambert…  here is the GT Strokers about April ’67…. 58 club Winchelsea Beach. We had the Friday night spot for a while then took over from King Rod and co. on Saturdays, as they went touring.
This was before the flower power look took hold later in ’67, best time for many that year the summer of love! Bill who ran the 58 club didn’t like our new flower power look so we we left. When we broke up later that year Paul, Rev and i joined King Rod for a while but left and went our own ways. Tried several other bands but didn’t work out, pity because we were progressing very well as the GTS.

Geoff Peckham… I never saw The GT Strokers, but I’d certainly heard of them. A lady my mum knew, Blanche Adams, a retired governess and concert violinist took an interest in my musical progress and helped me buy some equipment. She was also Andy Webster’s landlady, and she introduced me to him as I think he was getting married and was selling some gear. He was really friendly and taught me “My Girl” among other songs. He also sold me the Leeds Chord Dictionary, which I still have! This was around ’68/’69.

Robert Searle… Great to see a picture with Paul Freeman on his Ludwig drums and Rev Stockdale on guitar.

Carol Arnold… aaa, loved the 58 club.

Mark Randall… Where abouts was the 58?

Alan Esdaile… It was behind The Ship Pub, Mark.

Tony Lambert… Paul Freeman’s cousin was Mick Taylor who played with the Stones after Brian Jones left us, so quite a talented family. I always encouraged Paul to go pro, with his talent and connections it could have come about…what a pity he missed out. When the GTS was in the flower power mode we used oil slide projection backgrounds and incense sticks with synchronized flashing lights,which most enjoyed but it was rather too much for some to bear especially at the 58 club !…..we always tried our best to entertain, we tried to learn at least 2 new numbers a week, not easy when doing a full time job.

Colin Fox… Rev Stockdale, Kevin Hoad, Chris Howard, Kate Honey and me when we played in the 80’s as ‘Elite’, at the Fishermens Club Eastbourne. Bob Searle and I used to lodge for a while at Paul Freemans house in the early 70’s in Windmill Hill. We had some great times, (I think), as we were always pissed.


supplied by Colin Fox

Cliff Wootton… I remember a drum kit that dad bought home and put in our music room which had the GT Strokers artwork on the front. I have a picture somewhere which I’ll dig out and post here. I know he worked with Tony around that time so they must have made a deal or swop.


Henry Hay – 58 Club/Pebbles Club, Winchelsea Beach around 1979/1980

Henry Hay

supplied by Marianne Hay

Marianne Hay…photo of my late husband who used to be the DJ at the 58 Club when it changed to Pebbles and knew all of the local groups including King Rod well.  It would be interesting to hear if anybody remembers him.

Linda Day… I remember going to the 58 club.

Chris Baker… Played there a few times before DJs were invented.

Virginia Davis… I remember going to pebbles

Barry Newton… If its the Henry I remember he had a brother Stuart.

Mick O’Dowd… Yes I remember him. I DJ’d there after him but still remember him. Was his brother Stuart who ran the place for a time? Same gear and the sparkly stage ribbons as when I worked there.

Rob… 58 club, do you remember the bikers from Tenterden ? Always seemed to be fighting with the skinheads – tullett boys ? !!

Harry Randall… 58 club used to be run by our manager Bill Tribe I think his name was 1968 When “The Loyd Milligan Sound ” an 8 piece soul band I was in went pro to Germany!

Gerry Fortsch… What a great picture, I remember Henry very well, had some good times together in the day, always a gentleman. Peace & Love. At a later date than this there was a Scotsman named Colin working at the club, I think he went to Australia, does any one know what happened to him?

David Edwards… I remember doing some building work for the fella who owned it. He was a bailiff/ debt collector absolutely straight as a die and a good egg. Remember rebuilding the stage which was originally ply sheets on beer crates.

Peter Smith… I have just stumbled across this site as I was doing some googling on my Dads old club ‘Pebbles’. He is John Smith the debt collector David Edwards spoke about. What a lovely, accurate description of my Dad, thank you for the kind words, it has made his day!

David Edwards… Glad to make Peter’s dad’s day hope John is keeping well and best wishes to him

Steve Cooke… I knew the venue very well but not Henry. However, he does bear a striking resemblance to Stewart Hay who was the landlord of Pissaro’s in Hastings for years. He was a great supporter of live music and hosted the first ever Beatles Day.

Mick O’Dowd… Yes Steve he was Stuarts brother. Hi Peter was your Dad Peter & His Wife Rispa? If it was I worked for them as DJ and found them both to be extremely nice folks. I’ve still got the cocktail shaker (engraved) that they gave to all their staff when they left. I think he sold it to Henry’s brother Stuart Hay.

Alan Vale… FAL = Futuristic Aids Limited great name for amps and speakers lol

Tony Vourt-holmes… i remember walking back to hastings from there one night was in the summer

Alan Esdaile… Anyone remember Venus And Mars?

Mick O’Dowd… Rings a bell. I think I worked with them at Pebbles

Deb Hoad… Looks familiar

Lintonian Club Winchelsea – Mike O’Malley, Peters & Lee and Gerry Monroe – August 1973

Jim Breeds… Pity about the ‘ in “Peter’s”! Also why was Sally portrayed as a hooker? Never heard of the club.

Paul Huggett… Prior to being the Lintonian, it was the 58 Club – a notable, not to say notorious, place for a right old booze-up and live music often the Trowell brothers’ King,Rod and Co, with after hours drinking if you bought a “meal”, i.e. an interestingly flavoured meat pie…. Some fun nights were had – from what I can remember…….

Pete Millington… We (SPYKE – Ian Williams, Ginger Millington and Terry Chedzoy) played there (Lintonian Club) very regularly between 1973 and 1975. Great crowd and so many laughs to look back on.

Suzanne Evans… Good grief, came across this site. My parents Percy and Pat managed The Lintonian for a while. It was owned by my brother in law David Hendry and his business partner. I was only 15 years old and working behind the bar, little did anyone know then…

Terry Hopper… We often went to to the 58 club after the Odd Fellows in Ore village closed on a Saturday night in the late 60’s remember the sweat running down the black plastic covered walls and the late licence dodgy pies GREAT TIMES

Paul Huggett… When I lived in Rye I went to the 58 club quite a few times. For a long time King, Rod & Co were more or less the “house band” , there probably every other week – Kingsley and Rod Trowell, Kirk Ronchetti on drums, and Greg, the best high harmony guy around. Later I played there often in Lintonian days with the Amethyst band.

Peter Millington… SPYKE (Ian Williams, Terry Chedzoy and Me) played at the Lintonian Club very regularly in 1973/4. Great audiences.

Paul Huggett… First place I saw you play I think Peter, or could have been the club at Rye Harbour caravan park, before that.

Mike Day DJ – Pebbles Night Club Winchelsea Beach early 80’s

Mike Day copy

Mike Day3 copy 2

Mike Day(Mick O’Dowd) at Pebbles (behind The Ship Pub) at Winchelsea Beach and previous known as the 58 Club. Mick went on to greater success with his promotion company – 558 Entertainments. Any information on records he’s the guy to ask.

Robert Searle….Played there a few times with Haze in the 70s. And seeing King Rod. Good days.

Tony Davies…. had my 10th birthday party at the 58 club back in 1963. My mum and dad owned a small caravan site in Winchelsea beach and we were virtually cut off from civilization due to massive snow falls. My dad, being the local milkman, was the only person who could get about cos he had chains on the milk van and he picked all my friends up in that and took us to the club. Bill and Norah ( the owners of the club) were good friends of my family.First time I got absolutely wrecked was when I was about 16 and Bill had just got some Stingo barley wine in and said that if we, my mate Eric and I, could drink six of these things, we could drink for free for the rest of the night,,,,,don’t think I got past five 🙁

Peter Millington….I played there when it was called the Lintonian Club during 1973-1975 in SPYKE (Peter (Ginger) Millington, Ian Williams, Terry …

Alan Esdaile….Used to go to the 58 club in Paul Wiseman’s bubble car. 3 people in the car or did we squeeze in 4, amps and microphones sticking out the roof. As we went round the corners we all had to pile to one side to stop it rolling over!

PEBBLESsupplied by Mick O’Dowd

Stuart Moir…..Played there many times with the original CP .

Barry Newton…..The 58 club, great times. I worked and played, not instruments, there for a few years when Bill Tribe had it and King, Rod were regulars. Met lots of great people, walked home to Rye on a few occasions, after closing on a few nights shot on mates bike to Battersea to go to anti-war rallies on the Sundays. Great days with great memories.

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Beez Neez – Pebbles Nightclub Winchelsea Beach 1977 & Ashford Stour Centre 1978





photos supplied by Mick O’Dowd

Ashford Stour Centre 1978 supplied by Martin Prior

Mick O’Dowd… Unseen pics of Beez Neez at Pebbles Nightclub Winchelsea Bech. This gig really highlighted the problems of managing a band with a young personnel, especially if one of the members of the band had a policeman for a dad. Having heard all bad things about Pebbles he refused to allow his daughter to perform. Luckily we had a reliable sub in the form of Julie Shaw who was a very good performer but didn’t want a regular commitment to the band. She stood in and gave a good performance. This gig also saw Keith Jenner make his debut appearance. As you can see Mark Harris is sitting at the back as usual.

Mark Harris… I was only 12!

Mick O’Dowd…There was a video taken at The Stour Centre . I lent it to Tereasa and never saw it again. I believe Mark Harris knows her whereabouts now. Could you ask her to return it please.

Hippo Band – Lintonian Club Winchelsea Beach 27th November 1976

Gerry Fortsch… Bloody hell this brings it all back, we played in this club until it was closed down, I hope it wasn’t our fault

Paul Huggett… Did loads of gigs there with Amethyst. And had very boozy youthful experiences there previously when it was the notorious 58 Club….. Regular band there then was King,Rod and Co – the Trowell brothers, Kirk Ronchetti and Greg, who did the high parts, a very good harmony band.

Gerry Fortsch… Yes Paul I played there in the 60s with a band called The Earl Dee Group (great name what) John Petrie, Colin Green, Gordon Reed and Tony Brook. We loved the old Geno Washington style. Remember if you wanted a late drink in the 58 club you had to purchase a pie, I think most of them ended up on the floor. Happy days.

Paul Huggett… Yes! I did see that band Gerry, just once – excellent as I recall (dimly!) Ha ha yes, Those Pies….. made of who knew what? Soaked up a bit of beer though.

Tony Court-holmes… t was a bugger to get home from when you were a bit pissed

National Hero – The 58 Club Winchelsea Beach 1980

Supplied by Tony Bird. Mick Ingram, Kevin Hoad, Paul Kendrick and Tony Bird

Tony Court-holmes… I had forgotten all about the 58 club, I remember getting pissed there once and sleeping on the beach. Oh happy days

Robert Searle… Another good photo

Yvonne Cleland… Moff!