supplied by Paul Dengate
Paul Dengate… Another poster from 1977. I must have been there to get the poster, but I have no mention of it in my diary even though I was doing the sound for Stepping Out at the time (e.g. on the Pier the following week).
Conan Howard… was this band Stepping Out not later to become Felix with Wesley Magoogan and Roger Carey etc?
Martyn Baker… Well… I was in the band, and must have played this one…. I have no recollection of the gig though! But Felix were before Steppin’ Out.
Wesley Magoogan… I left Felix and joined Stepping Out which led to the Roaring Eighties.
Martin Stringer… Great band and a very talented young bass player. Guess who.
Wesley Magoogan… My favourite track we played was ‘Hand Jive’
Martin Stringer… Well Wesley you were fecking brilliant. I was and am so proud to have been in the same band as you. I wrote a song you made it.
Ernest Ballard… Didt Felix become Aircraft. I joined that band with Will Thompson and Mick Tanner. Drew on bass and his girlfriend Lynn both from London on piano.
Wesley Magoogan… That is correct Ernie.