Stuart Huggett. Cryin Shame, Classic Joe Meek!
John Scaife… Checkout ” The Strange Story Of Joe Meek” BBC 2 Documentary, Joe Meek’s 2 Brothers favourite Joe Meek produced records was “The Crying Shames – Please Stay”
Mick O’Dowd… 3 great bands! I think I went to see the Cryin’Shames not to be confused with The Cryan Shames who I believe were American
Dave Nattress… Didn’t see this – too young, knew of The Witch Doctor but just an intriguing name and place, far too young to go when it was in it’s heyday, but I do remember hearing the band name “The Coloured Raisins” – mid-late 60’s as this advert confirms? There is a bit about them on the www. Maybe they got the odd play on the fledgling Radio 1?
Mike O’Dowd… They had quite a few plays on the pirates and their only album came out on Major Minor. They were a good little band.
Didn’t see this – too young, knew of The Witch Doctor but just an intriguing name and place, far too young to go when it was in it’s heyday, but I do remember hearing the band name “The Coloured Raisins” – mid-late 60’s as this advert confirms? There is a bit about them on the www. Maybe they got the odd play on the fledgling Radio 1?