Ann Gill… After 68 years filled with music, laughter, love and family, it is our sad duty to let you know that Phil passed away early this morning at St Michael’s hospice with us all alongside him. As some of you may already know, Phil had been on a journey with pancreatic cancer this year which he has now sadly reached the end of. One of his last wishes which he expressed to us over the past few weeks was that no one post or comment ‘RIP’ or ‘Rest in Peace’ in relation to his passing. In his words, “I will not be resting in peace – I will be stomping around, trying to find the entity that thought it would be a good idea to take me away from my children, my wife, my dog and my guitars.” Forever in our hearts
Ann, Elliot & Miles x
Allyson Breeds…I have always loved this quote from Phil, that was in the pier memories room when it reopened. I hope he has now joined the music wherever it went. “We stood on the promenade and watched the starlings flying through the twisted shell of what was left of the ballroom… and it just looked to me like all the music that was contained in the ballroom, all the musical notes were flying out of the ballroom trying to find somewhere to go.” Phil Gill
John Wilde… Allyson, thank you for sharing, it’s a good example of that sharp and gifted mind.
Alan Esdaile… So very sad.
Allyson Breed…I have always loved this quote from Phil, that was in the pier memories room when it reopened. I hope he has now joined the music wherever it went.
“We stood on the promenade and watched the starlings flying through the twisted shell of what was left of the ballroom… and it just looked to me like all the music that was contained in the ballroom, all the musical notes were flying out of the ballroom trying to find somewhere to go.”
Phil Gill
Steve Vollrath… Rock on Phil
Linda Day… Such sad news he was such a lovely man I told him he reminded us of Gary Moore he’s was the mod of the band bless him
Peter Fairless… As instructed, then, let’s remember Phil as the gifted and talented, true gentleman we were fortunate to have known.
Pete Prescott… When I put Highway together there was only one guitarist for it. Phil was the only player that could play the songs the way they should be played. No one else. I’m playing in Stealer at the moment with Neil Roberts on guitar (I didn’t know him then). He’s from the same stable as Phil. Same style. We have talked about Phil sometimes as Neil liked and admired his playing. I remember Phil’s solo on Stormy Monday. Wonderful. If there a heaven he’s flying through his favourite songs and giving the singer hell about using a music stand.
Ricky Adelaide…Pete, so sad he was a great guitarist, but he was spot on about the music stands and these awful ipads learn the words or make them up x
Pete Fisher… Good old Phil! I’ve wanted to comment on the music stand plague so often Pete but I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I’m afraid as soon as I see someone using one it says “amateur”..
Dave Weeks… That’s sad news . RIP Phil and love and condolences to all your family x
Jacquie Hinves… I am so very saddened Ann to hear of Phil’s death. He was without a doubt a brilliant musician and friend of many years. So many happy and memorable days and gigs together with Pete Prescott, Peter Millington, Wesley Magoogan, Andy and Tony Qunta, the late Kevin Hoad and Ray Fenwick, Phil Cordell the list is endless , but never , ever forgotten. The world is now a sadder place without Phil. May he rest in eternal peace. Xx
Earl Grey… One Hell of a Musician. Very generous with his knowledge to me when I started out. The Hastings music scene wouldn’t be what it’s become without Phil. Thoughts for his family and friends tonight x
Jan Warren… R. I. M (rest in music) Phil xx
Ricky Adelaide… So sad such a well respected local guitarist RIP
Bernard Goffredo… Very sad news, condolences to his family. we had known each other from our teenage years
Pete Fisher… I was lucky to know Phil from school and then from the Fiesta/Anchor/Pier scene when we were both teenagers in the early 70s and remember thinking I’d better watch out because this guy is seriously good – he was a whole year younger than me!! We actually did two gigs together in the latter stage of Pueblo, the band I had with Bern and Rog 73-74. Paul Waite came in as second drummer, then he did one gig on his own.
Sandra Francis… You will be missed Phil. Make as much noise as you can!
Iain Cobby… Oh Phil , you were such a snappy dresser, I remember your winklepicker boots back in the 70’s and wished I had a pair! A true muso from Hastings, rock on you crazy diamond!
Wesley Magoogan… That is very sad news
Brendan Bourne… Shocked and saddened to see this. Phil leaves a huge legacy to the Hastings music scene forged over the past five decades. His memory will not fade away. Condolences to his family and friends
Deb Hoad… I am so sorry Ann to hear about Phils passing.. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care , Debs xx
Steve Holland… Very Sad. Phil was an inspiration
Andy Bannister… Very saddened by the death of Phil Gill. For a long time spent warbling away at the front of the Jukes I relied on the rhythm section- Andy Knight and Phil – not really knowing that Phil was an absolute lead guitar wizard as well! ( I was often away playing in other towns at weekends and not hearing local bands). He once played me some home recordings- composing and playing everything- a very modest star.
He was also a friend, kind, thoughtful and very funny. His music goes on.
Peter Houghton… So very Sad to hear this
Wendy Weaver… Such sad news. Phil’s talent and presence will be greatly missed by so many. Condolences to Ann and family. Make some noise Phil.
Barry French… Such sad news. Phil was a brilliant guitarist. who could play anything from hard rock to soul ballads. His passing will leave a massive hole in the Hastings music family.
Michael Park… oh Phil , you were a shining star in our little class of 72, showed us all we did not have to be the numbskulls we were made out to be, a genuine inspiration and truly wonderful guy, thank you for being you
Pauline Richards… So sorry he had to suffer so long Ann
Ann, Elliot & Miles… We would just like to let you all know of Phil’s funeral arrangements.
Phil’s funeral will be 11:15am on Thursday the 3rd of October at Hastings Crematorium. Followed immediately afterwards with a celebration of his contribution to the world (venue details to follow) everyone welcome. Family flowers only, if you would like to, donations to St Michael’s hospice (link to follow). As a family we would like to thank each and every one of you for all of the kind words and tributes you have taken the time to make. Ann, Elliot & Miles x
Cliff Wootton… So sorry to hear this sad news.
Ann Gill… Hi all, just to let you all know. Link to tribute page with funeral details etc… below.
Ann, Elliot & Miles x
Digger… Phil, one of the good guys. Remembered in the music and our memories.